Latest indoor adventure

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by Hicountry2, Jan 17, 2004.

  1. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I coulda' shoulda' worked on keeping the canopy a bit more even...

    this is around 16-18 days of 12/12..
  2. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I must say, they look fine! Dont worry about an even canopy, looks like they are thriving as-is! LOOKIN GREAT!
  3. FreeperTroll

    FreeperTroll Germinated

    nice gagle of ladies there HIc!
  4. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Not too late to do a bit of minor tying if you see some ladies getting 'shaded' :cool:

    (Edited by llIndigoll at 8:44 am on Jan. 17, 2004)
  5. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Nice work HiC. :bigok: Damn fine lookin' canopy if ya ask me. ;)
  6. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    :surprised: Wowa! Very nice!!!
  7. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    yup, hiC, we should ALL have YOUR problems! :biggrin:
  8. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    well thanks all, I think it coulda' been a little better, but at the last ,minute decided to throw a couple nl moms in too. It kinda' crowded things and robbed me of some training's a couple shots of the buds.



    I think these are around 18 days..
  9. King Marijuana

    King Marijuana Developed Alternating Nodes

    Looking good man :ebert: they look really pretty [​IMG], sendin some good vibes your way man :wave: peace and love

    TOECRAMP Germinated

    Hi has a green thumb..good looking room..i guess they are in soil.whats the light?
  11. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    hi toecramp...yep, in soil. Ammended Black Gold. The room is 54"x60" 7' tall, and I'm running 400w/hps and a 1kmh.Age Old Organics 5-10-5 for ferts, at 2ml. p/gal every watering.
  12. G4C2G0

    G4C2G0 Begun Flowering

    thats cool looking good there hi c what did you use for veg ferts?
  13. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    G4...I used very little ferts in veg. The soil mix was nearly too "hot" as it was with the added woorm castings. I did feed them a weakened dose of fish emulsion, the week before they went into flower.
  14. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

  15. HazeNHydro420

    HazeNHydro420 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Nice lookin buds Hi. can't wait for harvest pictures!! keep us updated. good job!!

  16. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Very impressive Hi. Good work:biggrin: :animbong:
  17. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud




    (Edited by Hicountry2 at 4:00 am on Feb. 13, 2004)
  18. jay

    jay Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    That last shot gave me wood! Nice work Hic!
  19. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    *Whistles your way HiC*
  20. The Joker

    The Joker New Sprout

    Very nice job, Hi.

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