I coulda' shoulda' worked on keeping the canopy a bit more even... this is around 16-18 days of 12/12..
I must say, they look fine! Dont worry about an even canopy, looks like they are thriving as-is! LOOKIN GREAT!
Not too late to do a bit of minor tying if you see some ladies getting 'shaded' (Edited by llIndigoll at 8:44 am on Jan. 17, 2004)
well thanks all, I think it coulda' been a little better, but at the last ,minute decided to throw a couple nl moms in too. It kinda' crowded things and robbed me of some training room.here's a couple shots of the buds. I think these are around 18 days..
hi toecramp...yep, in soil. Ammended Black Gold. The room is 54"x60" 7' tall, and I'm running 400w/hps and a 1kmh.Age Old Organics 5-10-5 for ferts, at 2ml. p/gal every watering.
G4...I used very little ferts in veg. The soil mix was nearly too "hot" as it was with the added woorm castings. I did feed them a weakened dose of fish emulsion, the week before they went into flower.