HELP, HELP, I'm stupid and I can't get it to work!!!! Hell, I'm the smartest person sitting here!! Are the pics maybe too big to be shown in photo form. Damn, this is frustrating. Now I see, I have to reduce to photo to less than 2 mb. Getting less dumber by the minute. , , , , , , , , , ,
There's actually pictures there. They are just too small to see. 1x1 pixel isn't big enough. :roffl: First time I've seen that one!!! :roffl:
Well, a pound of ak to trim "sounds" impressive:kidding:I don't have room to talk. All my pics come out poster size
:roffl: yea the pictures get me sometimes also, actually google back up does a great job for sizing no matter what you take a picture with, but I wouldn't suggest that unless it's a dump account or legal state
I guess I should help you out CG instead of laughing smoke out of my nose. Took me a few minutes to recover. My eyes were watering. Let me know if I can steer you right. I for one, would love to see.
I think I might have a solution. In a sticky in beginner's, on getting GK pics to the post, a nice guy thru up a link to some software to shrink those monster pics. I'll shrink them down and put them back up. Spent the last fuckin 5 hours trimming. My hands, the arthritis, can't take but so much but with some determination and a good ball of 'scissor hash' I knocked a big dent in it. Be Cool, CG
Yeah, I loaded some software to alter the pics but it wouldn't work with them in the GK gallery, only in windows. So I deleted them never thinking it would leave nothing to go to from the post. Stupid is as Stupid does!! Be Cool, CG
Not sure what the mqlfunction is.. most folks just take pics with a phone nowadayze right? Any kind of 3rd person program isn't necessary in any case....
The pictures my phone loads to my computer and then to GK won't show up as pictures just a url. They are too damn big!! Fuck a bunch of pics. Like I have something I need to prove to anybody. I dicked around, got behind and had 8 plants that were well past date and needed to be worked on. My problem, nobody else. And why I'd begin to think that showing off pictures, which doesn't put a fucking nickel in my pocket, is worth taking time away from what really needed to be done.
If your phone goes to computer im guessing google auto back up. Just open you Gmail account click on the pix and save them to computer.......then upload them here. They will be perfectly size
Don't get discouraged CG. That looks like a pretty good garden bro! Wondering why all those pics are wildly different sizes though? What I do nowadays is Google "drive", that way, if I'm even in the proximity of my cell, I can pull a pic from it.
about the flair up.:BangHead: Trying to get so much switched over to hydro has been time consuming and put me behind on keeping up with the soil plants. The pics are in my gallery, if you can make some of them out, and all the plants had the main cola and a couple bigger branches already removed the day before and 2 had been stripped down to just the little shit. I wished I'd taken pics before I'd trimmed anything off. But like I'd mentioned earlier, pictures are not my priority. When I look at a plant I just see another plant and more work. And of course $$. Be Cool, CG
The buds are all dried from those 8 plants. 4 oz of the first tops cut went out last weekend. And the remaining weighed in and 13.5 oz. 17.5 total, a little less than 2 1/4 a plant from soil. I used to be happy with 1 1/2 per plant. Can't wait to see what the hydro weighs in at. Be Cool, CG
Thanks, The only two I've grown, and growing, are AK48 and an Alpha 13, a Skunk and Bigbud cross. They both have good stable genes, no hermie problems, and consistent plant size and production. Got them both for the size and weight and flowering time. Can't tell a big difference in the high or taste because I don't keep them separated. They're dried and mixed together. The AK is taller and needs to be controlled more. The Alpha is shorter with fat thick buds and require far less trimming. The AK has a powerful smell that I love when working around them. Weight wise they're about the same. Over time I've gone from 1 - 1.25 per to just over 2 lately. I hope the hydro will get me 2.5 or better, we'll see. Be Cool, CG
They can get pretty long and pointed. The plant grows pretty tall and stretchy but I've learned to bush them up. The side buds aren't nearly pointed as the main top. I don't top the plants, but I will pinch and bend it over 90+ degrees. The plant starts to bush up and the lower limbs shoot up. If a branch gets too far above the others it gets the same. They recover very quickly and the plant stays shorter and bushier with a more even canopy. Be Cool, CG