This is a big week for marriage equality in the US. The supreme court is reviewing both the prop 8 out of California issue and the DOMA. I have a feeling DOMA is gone, but that they will refrain on ruling on the Pop 8 case for now because of state law. With that said, with 67% or so of Americans in favor or not caring about equal MARRIAGE rights, it amazes me this is even an issue. My state, NC, was one of the problems. Every town near one of our colleges (we have one of the best college systems in the US, fact) voted against denying marriage equality (homosexuals could not marry anyway in NC), yet every backwards ass town voted for it and BUSED IN Christian groups made that happen and made it part of our state constitution, and now it will be a bitch to change other than a Supreme Court decision or the like.
I dont know why people give a fuck.Live and let live unless your fucking with someone. My lil cousins gay,he was round for a drink recently.Its not summit we talk about,as in theres no issue to talk about.He knows i dont give a shit how he gets his kicks and he sure as shit dont cre how i get mine.The UK recentlly finally caved in to the whole equality thing.Just like womans rights,resistance then years from now ridicule and shame for ever giving a fuck
That is what I don't get, we (not just the US, or South America, or the UK...) enslaved entire races of people for our own gain, admittedly probably longer and harder here in the south. But allowing gay people to get tax breaks and family rights AND calling it "marriage" is going too damn far? "We aint beating them or anything, we just don't want them to have the same rights as me because 'The Bible Tells me So.' (sing it with me protestants!)"
Everybody, not just here in the US, should have the right to love whoever they want. Seeing everyone as equal should be the defining quality of Humanity. But it's not. Pity. Peace.....
if they're not asking you into their bedroom...why care? aint anyone biz what someone else does behind closed doors. legally there shouldn't be a difference because your partner is your spend xx years with someone they should be able to get all rights that a opposite sex gets. frankly it might be a boom to the economy, you know a gay wedding would be way over the top...little stereotyping there but hey, in a good way being married myself, two dudes doesn't lessen what my wife and I have together anymore than what any other couple does. if i'm miserable, then so should they be
Ahhh:eusa_naughty: dont get that shit twisted man. Not every person of faith gives a fuck either.Only the ignorant,bigoted and people of sheltered lives. Plenty people believe in "just concentrate on your own shit and leave the Judging of others...too others" Sadly for you ,you live in what can only be described as a fucked up kinda religious society. We dont have Protestants over here with placards in the streets.Hell not even the outspoken Catholics who are dead against this shit bother to protest. The equality bill passed here in the UK and was seen as nothing more than a sign of the times. Now if you want to get a portestant/presbyterian fired up,just mention woman/Gay Bishops in their church.Ahhh shiit
I will go ahead and say that I know everyone of faith does not care if they get the same rights or not. But that song always reminds me of what the argument is against Gay marriage: Because a book copied from people who were the first society, barely modern humans, SUMERIANS, dictates people's beliefs in 2013. I am mainly German and Cherokee, but I am not trying to kill jews or scalp people because of hundreds of years of dumbness war. Get what I am saying? Generalizing, but not?
With our economy in the trash, a war that may never end-gettin that oil- and complete civil unrest with our government, I can not believe that this is the "major" issue in the us right now. Personally, I don't give a rats ass who or what anyone else wants to be with as long as it doesn't directly affect me. In fact my uncles gay, one of the weirdest and coolest dudes I know, few years ago I met an awesome lesbian couple who had been together over 20 years. They were my fishing buddies and we had a blast out on the lake. What I can't figure out is, how is this really an issue right now? Let em get married, shit, some of them have been together longer than most straight couples I know. With less drama! Anyway, let em do what they want, this is America right? Land of the free? NOPE!!! Not anymore
It is an issue because that is what the Supreme court is for. Blame congress for the rest of the problems.
Alright, that is what it's for. All I'm saying is we got way more important issues needing resolution than whether or not two dudes or two chicks want to get married. I say let em, it's not going to hurt anyone or anything.
MrAstro---I'm in the same boat. I have my religious beliefs, but that doesn't mean I'm against gay people doing what they want. I have family members who are gay and once you get past the initial WTF moment, theyr'e no different that anyone else.
If anyone with religious beliefs stopped for a second they would realise it aint for us to judge no one except ourselves.I include myself in that:2c:
I really shouldn't have even mentioned the religious part, but that is how it is around here and is the only reason our constitution changed in NC. Honestly, through our country's constitution, and our past reasoning on slavery and suffrage, I am not sure how denying equal rights to homosexuals has been such an issue. They just want tax breaks and shit like everyone else. So yeah, even though TA knows how I feel about religion, specifically Christianity, I really hope the justices see how this is a freedom and equal rights issue, and nothing more. They don't change the dictionary, Oxford does, lol. I was raised ELCA Lutheran and very active, by the way. And as backwards as my church was it was and still is chiller than any other I've ever been introduced to as "Christian."
I'm UCC and gay bashing isn't cool. Not at church and not at home. I couldn't care less what some dude does with his cock, as long as it doesn't involve kids.
First LGBT then GLBT. Now what is it, LGBTQ? Wtf? I go to the rights rallies, sign the petitions support my alternatively inclined friends...but man even I get confused. The whole idea that we need to identify ourselves, or others, by where they stick their donniker or what they poke in their vag is archaic.
I had the same issue with the "Q." My 37 year old sis says she heard it added to "LGBT" in college, which would have been around 94/95. I first heard it about three years ago. Apparently it started as an add on meaning "Questioning my sexuality," but now is also interchangeable with "queer." I remember the first time I heard it I was like, "I thought we weren't supposed to say queer anymore!? The labels don't help, but blacks were not calling themselves black till we took them out of their homeland and started calling them that ourselves, along with the N word not allowed on here. Groups take the negative and make it their own. It is not to the same degree whatever, but the same happened with the word "hippie." At some point it was like, yeah, that is us, fuck you otherwise.