Light placement

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by JuggaloKing420, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    So, I've reached a point where I need to spread my 2 1k hps lights apart to add square footage to canopy. Originally, my bulbs were 3ish feet apart. Worked for me and the canopy size. Now my bulbs are 5 feet apart. Is that too far apart? I'm going off studs in the ceiling, but I can screw 2x4s into the studs and move lights anywhere I want, that's just something I don't want to do with a full grow going. Really, I'm just looking for thoughts on the 5 foot bulb spread.
  2. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    I run 600w at 3ft separation. Should be fine going 5ft with 1000w.
  3. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    A 1000 watt bulb should cover a 5x5 area no problem. So two spread apart works.
    SirStynkalot likes this.

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