Just starting chopping... took 8 of these I took last night I could have taken it down further but I just cut heads nugs above the net. Happy camper here..further down looks just as good but I'm giving them a few more days to see if they continue to fatten and frankly chopping over a couple of days makes life easier
BlueWidow...first run was ok with learning curve, this one was twice as good, thankfully I have many more tables now. Lucas formula, nice and easy. I didn't even hit these gals with boaster, just straight lucas from start to finish. I'm not kidding either when I say the bottoms are just as nice. Really happy. Biggest bitch is I don't have much for hash...sorry for the quality of pic but super frosty and just a joy to trim
blue widow was the first strain I ever tried to grow. no experience, proper supplies or atmosphere. I got real crappy results and lost the strain, which made me start upgrading everything.
This is the other DYI tub, Had two of those going under 600's It's seriously a decent run under the head nugs if that makes sense. Like the head nugs were just a bonus. Took 2 minutes to snip off and like 5 to trim, still have whole plants left
Wow!!!!! They came out awesome in the table!! That's the best I've seen on the tops for her. I miss her.:crybaby2: I bet she tastes better than the ak48.
my favorite smoke by far, it's the only pot I will actually cure out. Actually smoking my last nug of her now watching walking dead:redbong: thanks I'll be in your neck of the woods come mid summer, we having a drink?
I don't drink but we'll get together. Mid summer will be perfect. What would you prefer to smoke; Dabney, Trainwreck or Snocap. Not sure what else I'll have then. If the Reserva Pravada OG Kush is any good, I'll have that too. Maybe I'll blindfold you and make you guess. Just don't guess wrong. The penalty is pretty sever. Don't guess wrong.
Nice looking tops Dude!!! And I like to pop the tops and leave the lower to suck up a little more light for a few days too. I've got arthritis in my hands and about 45 minutes of trimming and I've had it. Got a scope just like that and it's the ticket. Great job!! Be Cool, CG
You guna sit in him in front of your Tom Brady shrine and make him wear UGG boots??? :rofl6: don't go Nip....don't do it man Tables rule!!
Well I was going to make him watch the Steelers highlights but I couldn't find any. And nobody, and I mean NOBODY gets to sit in front of my Brady shrine. UGG boots? I wouldn't even make you wear them.
well at the least, is he guna have to ride that Honda you love to blaze the highways of N.E. on? feel the wind in your hair...