los angeles new pot laws

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jr215, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. jr215

    jr215 Caged hippie

    Los Angeles city council voted 13-1 today to approve what they call a hard ban on dispensaries. Then they voted 9-5 for new ordinances that will allow 182 shops to stay open. They can't seem to make their own actions look legit. Hard ban, but some of you can stay.
  2. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    'Those who suck government dick and pay a monthly 5 grand can stay open' is what this translates to IMO.
  3. bigbudztoo

    bigbudztoo growin the good stuff

    I think Shadow has it right. I read some blurb in usa today about a caregiver

    being able to grow for three patients. Hey Ras, think your county is going

    to try and follow suit ?

  4. jr215

    jr215 Caged hippie

    I hope they don't. I live in the same city as Ras. I just saw on the news that their closing all the shops. They said patients will have to grow their own, because the law says nothing about allowing MMJ to be sold, only safe access to it.
  5. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I'll just go underground if need be. I'm a Rasta and a Ganjaman. I will continue to do this for the rest of my life. As long as it's legal, I'll try and play by the rules, but make it illegal and I will do what I think is right, regardless of what man's law says. Rasta says the herb is the healing of the nations and I will do Jah work. :passsit:
  6. Chaz

    Chaz Excommunicated

    +rep xD
  7. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    still won't let me +rep ya, Ras, but you get my kudos:good job:

    Fuck the feds.
  8. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    I fully understand why everyone in a mmj states would think this sucks, but to me it makes sense. Everyone has made a mockery of MMJ. From the doctors, to the dispensaries, to the patients.

    The doctors hand out cards to anyone with $100. The dispensaries then sell drugs to anyone with a card and the "patients" :rofl: get wasted :redbong:

    The whole system has been fucked by :$ $$: and the few legit cancer patients etc. out there who really benefit will have to go back to the old ways of getting relief.

    Me, I'm happy to keep my drugs illegal. I'll continue to get wasted and dealers will continue to get money. Until someone actually has the balls to just legalise everything this mmj bollocks can suck my balls!

    You'll never legalise weed by the back door. :(
  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    It's a step in the direction Skuzz. Flawed as it is the "back door" strategy has pay-offs. It gives encouragement to smaller government units to go a step further. In Colorado at least 3 cities (towns) have passed ordinances eliminating all criminal and civil penalties for the adult personal use of marijuana. This would most likely not have happened if the State didn't soften its views on cannabis.

    Just like enough State pressure on Feds eventually brings action so to does city pressure on a State.
  10. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    You have a skewed perspective being that you live in a country where there is no MMJ. You can have your opinion, but I strongly disagree with you. :passsit:
  11. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    I fail to see how it makes it skewed. Where I live is irrelevant.

    We do have mmj here, it’s called GW Pharmaceuticals.

    I just can’t see how anyone can say the majority take it for medicine. They don’t!

    "I have a headache, let’s get stoned :thumbsup: "

    "Oooo my period, let’s get stoned :thumbsup: "

    Getting stoned is pleasurable and fun, so is getting drunk. Neither are medicine to the majority, they are a drug. The number of dispensaries and the number of "patients" is evidence to that.

    It’s the same as "pain clinics" in Florida. I know they have a very large retirement population but do they really need all those oxy's??????
  12. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Getting drunk is not pleasurable and fun for me but it never has been. 3 times ever. But that's me. Yes pot is fun, not gonna deny that. But it is one hell of an anxiety relieving drug for me. Picture this. When you think of something like there being a foot print in the carpet you have to get rid of it by vacuuming. You tell youself that's silly, you think of everything to rationalize that its ridiculous to vacuum a footprint even though you just vacuumed the whole house an hour ago. You cannot relax or really concentrate on anything else until you vacuum it. But if you smoke some pot and REALLY tell yourself you don't have to, maybe you don't have to.

    This is what I deal with every day. Serious OCD. Pot helps, the ONLY thing that has ever helped. It does not cure it. But it helps and that makes it medicine. It's not just for cancer patients.

    And I fail to see how you can possibly have an opinion of how it feels to get your period :thumbs-up:

    And if I can vape some weed for a headache instead of taking a tylenol which is hard on the liver, who is the government to tell me I can't?

    The list goes on.
  13. jr215

    jr215 Caged hippie

    You can take tylenol, midol, zoloft, xanax, ambien, norco.... the list goes on. They treat real ailments. Why not get some enjoyment out of your meds without damaging your body. Yeah, getting high feels great. Almost as great as not dealing with ptsd or insomnia. It's all about personal choice. There's no questioning that a lot of patients main objective for getting their rec was so they can get high, but as long as they have a qualifying ailment whats the difference between taking a nsaid or using mmj? With the cost of health care in the US people are desperate for relief that won't drive them to the poor house.
  14. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman


    Skuzz- If you think I smoke just for the sake of getting high, you're wrong. Sure there are some that abuse the system, but just as many of us get relief from legitimate medical issues. IF it were not for MMJ I would be on probably more than one Pharmy for my Social Anxiety and Bi-Polar disorders. You gonna tell me that I'm abusing the system? In my younger days when I was trying to figure out why I felt so anxious or overly sad, or overly happy or overly angry, I was prescribed many different Pharmy drugs. Not one of them could help my conditions the way MJ does AND they came with horrible side effects much worse than getting a little bit euphoric or munch or sleepy. Your argument doesn't hold water with me.

    IMO you are wrong. Just because you only smoke to get high and have fun, doesn't make the medicinal benefits any less real. :passsit:
  15. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Id re read my post res. Ive never doubted the medical benefits or that it does actually help ppl.

    All I pointed out is that the system was massively abused and it lost its legitmicy. Thats why they are banning dispenceries. If your ill and need you're meds, you can grow it or get a care giver. You dont need shops selling it like alcohol.
  16. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    And I'm agreeing with you Skuzz. The deal is twisted. I was disagreeing about the back door not working.

    Dispensaries are a way of gaining larger public acceptance. If MMJ, or MJ use in general, is kept locked away behind closed doors it's easier to ignore or demonize. Large well run dispensaries and well run mom-n-pop joints both give a solid appearance and sense of legitimacy to the general public.

    I don't just want to be able to toke.. I want to be able to go about my life like everybody else not hiding my med or recreational use. I want to be able to buy and test different strains for effect and effectiveness without having to grow a plant for 4 months. If that means using a system perverted by the ignorance of Prohibitionists sobeit. The end solution is NOT going backward to hide in our closets again, it's visibly entrenching ourselves in communities and keeping high profile outlets that service their local communities.

    The antis can call me a hypocrite or disingenuous and I'll agree, then I'll tell them to help us find a better way.
  17. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    :rofl: my recreational drug use caused a typo :passsit: The last post should had read Ras not Res ;)

    But, I see your point Res. I want the same thing, but the only way to do that is legalise for all, then the shops sell weed as a drug, just like alcohol. Not MMJ.

    As long as your saying its medicine, but treat it like booze the hypocrisy is obvious!
  18. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    I have a headache, let's get stoned!:thumbsup:

  19. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Weed is both a recreational drug and medicine, and it should be treated as both. Alcohol also can be viewed as having medicinal properties. It relieves pain and stress, relaxes you, etc...

    I do know what you're saying Skuzz, I've cringed a few times on this site when people replace "I just got high." with "I just medicated myself."

    I mean, for real?!?

    Side note, in this day and age where there are a jillion syndromes and disorders basically created, in my opinion, by doctors/scientists in bed with Big Pharma to sell bs drugs no one needs, Big Pharma has helped the MMJ movement, because MMJ can use those same baloney syndromes and disorders for it's own agenda. (Not to say they are ALL baloney)

    Personally, I think I've got workplace anxiety disorder. Whenever I am at work, due to the preponderance of boneheads and dipshits in my workplace, I often became very agitated and stressed. Where's my med card!!! (I'm only half joking here.)

  20. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    That qualifies in Colorado. :thumbsup:

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