
Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by mafeeker, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. mafeeker

    mafeeker Engineering Monsters

    has anyone here ever grown lowryder #2 outdoors, or any autoflower for that matter, and do you have any advice for a good harvest?
  2. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    If by good harvest you mean a good yield, do not expect one at all.

    I grew a few indoor, i knew they were shit, but they were free. When ordering almost any seeds, you order with the intention of finding a superb specimen. Sometimes you get one in a hundred, sometimes less. The picture you see of that lowryder is most definately their best female out of 100+. Do know you're likely to get some that don't yield over 6g dried even when grown well.

    With that said, the smoke was damn good, very tastey. I grew the ak-47 x Lowryder, smelled wonderful loaded with trichs.
  3. HazeNHydro420

    HazeNHydro420 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    WiZaRD is correct that you shouldn't expect a large quantity. However, because of the size you can get a lot more light to a lot more of the bud so they do tend to be on the small side but the quality will be more then your expecting. I grew out some of the lowryder x AK-47 x Alaskan thunderfuck and that was some extreme smoke if I do say so myself. It had me in fitts of laughter like you wouldn't believe.

    They were very small and compact yet delicious and smelled wonderful. The wife enjoyed that strain very much. I still have some seeds left over so I may just bring those out. I need more of them anyway so I'll do a little breeding while I'm at it.

    The best part about autoflower is the speed it grows. Cuts about a month to month and a half out of your growing time. So if you had a shit ton of them you could be decent amounts.


  4. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    imo your better off to get a regular strain/non-auto and just clone the fuck outta it and put the clones outdoors.:bongin:
  5. mafeeker

    mafeeker Engineering Monsters

    the thing is, im really looking for a strain that will finsh very fast outdoors, and also be pretty resilient. I don't know if you guys can give me any strain ideas, but i really want the buds finished by the second week of august. Any suggestions, or should i try my hand at the autoflower. Im hoping that outdoors i can get at least a slightly larger yield than when the autos are grown indoors. Any help appreciated.
  6. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Dude, if you just HAVE to have bud by early august, do some auto-flower. But do not stop there.

    If you need a resilient outdoor strain order some Northern Lights, or a good northern lights hybrid. I would NOT just do auto-flowering strains you'll be very disappointed. Order you a lil 5 pack of auto-flowers, then order yourself some Northern Lights. Do not let them breed though =)
  7. strawberry.cough

    strawberry.cough looking into the abyss

    Ok I am out pretty fair east and up high north, and I thought oh hey maybe I will try some of this stuff. My experience was this, it is really really really quite suseptible to mold and mildew and I didn't even get them close to finishing before they had turned into a mound of slimey mush. Was a waste of my money for the seeds. Now that said, I am right on the ocean, so that might have been a factor, but I have better luck when I push my luck and hope for a mild last half of september.
  8. mafeeker

    mafeeker Engineering Monsters

    Thanks for all the help guys, i probably am going to avoid the autoflower, i guess and go with something else. I really hope eventually some breeder engineers some incredible autoflower strains, though. It would change the way we all grow outdoors.
  9. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Good deal dude. I read a more recent post by you, and it seems your heading in the right direction. Keep getting guidance from this board and you're on your way to every pot heads dream.
  10. strawberry.cough

    strawberry.cough looking into the abyss

    I have had good luck with the northern lights up here just above the 44th parallel. It tolerates the cooler fall and the fog really well. I have also had good luck with niagra. I get a lot of my stuff from dr. greenthumb as he is in the same basic latitude I grow in, and the stuff seems to be more resistant to the fall cold weather.

    Everyone get on your knees and pray that it is a dry sunny summer. I am sooo sick of the rain and fog we have had the last few.:puke:

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