man this war is getting boring man

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SUPERclosetgrowth, Apr 8, 2003.

  1. SUPERclosetgrowth

    SUPERclosetgrowth Germinated

    all I see on T.V. is press conferences and that wimp - warfield or whatever his name is giving stupid speeches. Why dont we see the real live ground-fighting in iraq? you know, the bloodshed and civilians screaming and running around. oh well, guess I'll stick in the movie "blow" and watch that instead.
  2. Mamafingers

    Mamafingers A Fat Sticky Bud

    And that is why so many people are opposed to war...dumbass's with dumbass ideas like that..noone wants to see americans killing anymore british, and of course thier not gona show it, then youll see how incompetent they really are
  3. SUPERclosetgrowth

    SUPERclosetgrowth Germinated

    the americans are killing british?
  4. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    If you wanna see the bloodshed so much, why don't you go over there prince?

    I mean, you claim to be an ex-jarhead (though you didn't know that carbon monoxide was dangerous).

    They should welcome you.
  5. SUPERclosetgrowth

    SUPERclosetgrowth Germinated

    thanks for the helpful hint ranger
  6. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering

    We get to see some of it. One Iraqi tank destroyed and 3 civillian cars too in the same shot.

    Dead civillians outnumber uniformed ones.

    Yeh the yanks can sure kill, pity it's indiscriminate.

    Take a 'helcam' with you POP, then we can all share in the post traumatic stress, or was it those invisible WMD loaded with carbon monoxide, **** better blow up that car!
  7. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    The U.S. lobbed mortars into a hotel today, killing 3 journalists and wounding a dozen more.

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