There are a couple other bills one to legalize pot -Bud
The article lists 10 grams as being roughly equivalent to 2 joints. :5eek: Those'd be some huge doobies.
Every article I've read about this uses the same comparison between 10g and 2 joints. I guess this the media's way of downplaying the quantity to the uninformed masses. The bill passed the senate yesterday so now it's up to the house which I doubt will pass it. As for the legalization of 1 zip & three plants, I doubt that has a snow ball's chance in hell of making to a vote. Last year they wouldn't even vote on medical use becuase they were afraid of federal prosecution of state workers. BS I know but that was their excuse. The Gov. has his sights set on the White House so I think it's doubtful he'll do anthing as bold as flat out legalization for recreational use. :bong-2: