So what part don't people get? Classic liberal economists have been preaching the same message for decades. Maybe it's time to try things our way for awhile? [YOUTUBE]fKc6esIi0_U[/YOUTUBE]
Because every system is jaded. Every system will not work for the majority of people because it is a rigid, objective, and set for a certain amount of data that works well when you plug them into the formula but not when you run the program. Every system requires a blending of different parts to make the whole work. The same is true in ideologies. They are a machine just as much as a computer. You can't run something solely off a processor. Your hard drive can't do shit without a power supply. One theoretical system of running things will not complete the whole.
Not sure whether that's an argument, rationalization or agreement Lion? Taking from the final sentence I'll call note to Mr. Sowell's explanation that economic "conservatism" or classic liberalism doesn't seek to complete or perfect anything. It simply seeks the best quantifiable trade off.
What I was trying to get at is that a blending of systems and ideologies will be the only way of the future of the world financial and governmental systems, and will other wise fail ultimately because of a rigid set of ideals. I didn't get that out of the first video, but I am ready to admit I may not have heard it like you did.
Bottom line (from what I am getting from the clips): Equality > Liberty => Bad economy and no Equality and no Liberty. Proof: Any communist country. Liberty > Equality => Good economy, more Liberty and more Equality (though everyone is not equal, and shouldn't be). Proof: United States, the richest country in the world. The U.S. Government over the past few decades has tried to boost Equality at the expense of Liberty. This is shown by all of the government programs enacted since the 1960s (1930s?) now being paid for by the 50% of the population that pays taxes. The result is what we have today: Rich are richer, poor are poorer. Now, if we go for one and only one ideology, there will be folks who fall thorugh the cracks and will never have a chance to get out of poverty (many physically and mentally handicapped people, for example). There are people out there who do need help. As Lion said, we do need to blend the systems. So, the questions is how do we ballance the two different ideologies? At what point is trying to make everyone equal destroying Liberty? I have a hangover today, so I"m not thinking streight. I'll come back to this with some better thoughts later.
At the precise moment a government entity chooses who and how things should be made equal at the detriment or benefit of another.
Not the government, but a corporation. Or rather a mix of the two. Who controls your life more - the mayor or your boss?
You have a choice in employer, or whether to work at all. You have no choice in government fiat or mandate.
Well, France just elected Hollande the Socialist. He wants to raise taxes on the rich up to 75%, and is against the German-led austerity measures. This will be a country to watch over the next couple of years. Will it destroy the Euro or make it stronger? Will France become the new beacon of hope and prosperty for the world or will it tumble under the weight of its debt. Let's wait and see...
Been watching that. Seems the "austerity" platform isn't getting much traction in France or Greece at the moment. Gotta love a group that blindly plods on expanding more of the same....fiddling while Rome burns. Of course it could be that Sarkozy was simply that distasteful too.