MJ supports terror!!!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by EvilSkuzzi, Feb 9, 2003.

  1. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

  2. gardener

    gardener Developed Alternating Nodes

    hehe yep that is a big crock of **** and if any of that is true boxman said it best. Keep the money out of terroists hands by being patriot and groing your own:)
  3. phillyboy

    phillyboy ***Rest in Peace***

    I hate that fuckin commercial--howbout the one ashole who puts it so simply --"NO Drugs, NO drug dealers, NO drug $$$, NO SSS for terrorrism,--complicated?.....Ahh, well, yea, it is, because your not in touch with reality *******!! The war on drugs in not winnable, the only solution is to legalize weed, and decrimm most of everything else, so that the "stigma" that attracts our kids to it will be taken away....No drug dealers, how insane it that, spoken like a true conservative...
  4. gardener

    gardener Developed Alternating Nodes

    It dosen't seem that complicated philly. Legalize weed and the dollars start going to the governemnt instead of terrosists (which I doubt much if any pot money goes to in the first place) I think its sad they would take such tremendous loss of human life and blame it on thier most loveable scapegoats again:( Maybe they could spend the money that went into producing and airing that commercial to actually increase security.
  5. phillyboy

    phillyboy ***Rest in Peace***

    yea well, there will always be cocaine and dope (heroin)adn tothink otherwise is rediculous.....therer will always be a drug market.....instead of arresting everyone who uses drugs, including us weedsmokers, maybe they could realize that there are degrees of good and bad..like when you run a stop sign, its not the same penalty as having akilo of coke on you..well, why should Joe Homegrower have to go to prison with Rico Drug dealer?
  6. gardener

    gardener Developed Alternating Nodes

    good point. In my country they are supposed to be decriminilizing samm possesion and very small amounts of growing. Sounds like they are starting to do exactly what you said. The way it is already the max sentence for producing bud is 7 years and the max for any other drug is some huge number where you would basically be expected to die in jail. even so I still think that it still sounds more appropiate to just legalize pot completely simpily due to the fact that the harms of making it illegal (although less then the states) could be eliminated completly. Maybe once they see how much money they are making just ticketing people the CATCH they will realize that they can make even more taxing EVERYONE who dosen't want to grow thier own. Seeds are already legal anyway, which to me is just asking us to grow the **** [​IMG]
  7. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    I think Mendocino County has implemented the perfect plan re:mj decrim.

    25 plants per person. No prescription needed.

    Enough for the grower and (if it was a good season) some left over for others.

    No government involvement.
  8. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    I won't be supporting terror much longer! [​IMG]
  9. Waitingfortheson

    Waitingfortheson Full Flowering

    I" target="_blank">http://www.theantidrug.com/

    I urge all ya'll ta speak your minds via E-mail...

    Your tax dollars are at work with every antidrug comercial that airs people.

    How does this make you feel?

    I left a long message expressing my dismay... it made me feel better. Maybe it'll have that effect on you too.
  10. 67ranchero

    67ranchero Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Maybe it means Michael Jackson supports terrorists, and we have just been thinking MJ ment weed.
  11. DrOrgasm

    DrOrgasm New Sprout

    The government are the terrorists!!! George Bush is an AK wielding freak1 And i dont mean the plant!
  12. Ropeadopehead

    Ropeadopehead Begun Flowering

    Hey ranger!! Any vacant real estate out there in Mendocino??
  13. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***


    Unfortunately not unless you have lots of $.

    But consider Sonoma and Trinity Counties.

    Land isn't very expensive if you don't mind living way way out in the sticks, where it's an all-day thing to go buy anything they don't have at a small general store.

    I have to drive 3 hrs. round trip to get things like printer ink or blank c.d.'s.

    But in  Trinity Co, for example, you can still buy land for less than $1k/acre.

    But that's with no power and no phone and no chance of every being on either grid.

    Ropeadope, if you ever want to find out for yourself, come on out and I'll buy you a few bottles of Bigfoot Ale.

    (Edited by rangerdanger at 7:01 am on Feb. 13, 2003)
  14. Mrs B

    Mrs B Guest

    Hey, that's the way I like it! Draw your own water from the well, cook over a fire. Using an outhouse isn't my favorite thing, but I could live with it. The best part would be not having lots of noisy and nosy neighbors! If I ever hit the lottery, I'd buy out one of the wineries and use part of it to grow my favorite crop.
  15. THCdude

    THCdude Cured Fat Sticky Bud

  16. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    speaking of all those dumb anti-drug commercials.. Why do they have to target MJ? Why aren't there crack or heroin commericals?

    Crack.. it's more harmful than we all thought..

    [depicts a bag lady curled up next to a dumpster clutching a rotted high school degree and a bag of cheetos]
  17. Mamafingers

    Mamafingers A Fat Sticky Bud

    haha my girlfriend said she saw one of those "you support terror" commericals for... SUVS, lmao.. i guess since we are planing on killing iraq, that if you buy gas you support terrorist [​IMG]
  18. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    Mama: Actually blame the gas station owners for jacking up the prices like they did when the WTC was attacked. Gas went up $2 in just 6 hours here. They're the terrorists. Not only are they making the camelbangers happy but they're also fucking Americans out of their hard earned money. Dutch door action I think they call that..
  19. Mamafingers

    Mamafingers A Fat Sticky Bud

    lol im not blaming anything ona anyone, i was stating the commercial my girl saw, lol and how stupid the goverment is with thier propaganda, its equaly Opec and gas stations that stuff it up the american hole, im sure theyve both done thier share
  20. northlite

    northlite Blazed and Confused

    that's a "MamafinGem", folks.... [​IMG]

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