I am going to be moving:car7: in 6 weeks my plants are still in veg state of growing, by the time we move they will hopefully be in flowering stage. In moving we will be placing my plants in a storage container totally enclosed in darkness for three days. I only have four plants. Very small amount i know! :growin::icon_scratch: Will they survive? :help: I have put my whole time schedule including my work schedule arranged to compliment my ability to ensure my plants have adequate attention:clock: from me I don't want to loose my babies to this move! What if anything can i do to keep them alive? :dontknow: I will cry if i can't save them,lol :GK: :feedback: Thank you !
They will probably survive the darkness, but they need to be kept cool and ventilated. I've got two of these I use for temporary storage and transportation.
Ty so very much...i think i can keep them cool and ventilation shouldn't be a big problem...they will be moved in pods, so if i water them well and keep the door of the cabinet open that i move them in they hopefully will be ,ok! thanks again !
What have you got to lose? If you can move them safely, (without getting caught) then I say go for it. If you kill them now, you have nothing. If they die in transit, you have nothing. If they survive the trip, you got smoke!
Just to get you by... cant you hook up some sort of battery powered light to put in the cab? Otherwisde as long as they get SOME sunlight, they should be A. O.K.!...try to time the move with the very start of flowering... gotta give em 12 hours of darkness though!
Have you thought about keeping them in veg? They will be much, much, easier to contain and won't smell nearly as bad as flowering plants. Although they will most likely be monsters after that much veg time. :roulette:
moving i just went through this and it was something i thought about for a month or so before i did it...i was moving about 40 miles .....and i had movers so i had to think about that as well...but here is what i did... got the new place and decided where i was going to place the new grow room or area...in the mean time i was packing up day by day a little at a time until i had it all packed up except the lights and filter and plants of course i had plant is various stages..only one flowering about 12 or so vegging and 16 clones... i had everything that i was going to move (as opposed to movers) in one area and had movers move everything else. they arranged most of furniture in house for me and all i had to do then was to move my plants lights and filter.. i did move at dusk...and moved the lights into my durango...into the back and the filter in the back and then i wrapped the plants into black garbage bags and tied them at the top and carried each one and put it in the back of the truck... drove to new home and unpacked everything and put plants in grow room and put up light and filter... i guess the key for me was to think out what i was going to do and followed the plan...having everything all set up in the new place was easy...and putting the plants into the large black leaf garbage was easy as well..the one flowering plant took two bags, one i drapped over the top and the over from the bottom and i put duck tape on it to keep it together... and i also put a blanket over the entire load in the back . hope this helps...good luckk...
thank you all for the tips! They are moving 2600 miles , so we will see! They will have to be in the dark for three days period. Im gonna move em and just hope for the best with a good watering and a prayer.I will take pics tho before i move em just so i will have something when i get there! assit:
So would I.... but I voted to water and pray they survive....and I agree with marb about keeping them in veg.:redbong:
instead of taking a couple of whole plants let em go till right before the move and then get a bunch of cuts and pack those in a cooler on ice. then root the cuts as soon as you get to the new place or keep em in the fridge a week or so if ya gotta.
Another option You can take cuttings and clone them before the move, then throw away the mother plants. You will be able to move them in a very small box and keep them in an easy-to-reach place that offers ventilation.
I guess i'm being a mother hen since , i talk to them and call them my babies....thank you all for the great advice...i still have 5 weeks and six days to decide. Until then i'm gonna let em keep on keeping on! I know that's a long way to travel for them but i am a nut when it comes to them...i don't have a light timer so i actually set my personal alarm and get up at 6 am every morning, to make sure the lighting is timed perfect for them. i guess i am fanatical about my babies,lol Again thank you all for the very good advice! assit:
It will be a small challenge for your mothers to survive a 3 day trip in a dark myserious, not to mention humid POD! But if you keep them well ventalated and possibly make stops to open the pod for a good 10mins without it being seen inside of so they can air out (may also smell strong) they would have better chance of surviving that way, but that might be hard to do on your trip. If i was you i would also cut clones even if your going to try your best to keep them alive because if they didnt make it atleast you would be closer to growing new ones. I most likely think your plants will be fine