Hello gang! We are moving to Montana in January. It's an MMJ state with dispensaries. :thumbsup: I'm trying to get any and all info as much as possible re:laws governing growing in that state. Can anybody fill me in on any subtle nuances in state law? This is gonna be a very interesting change of pace.
Hi Scotty, Here is the latest stuff I could find on the program. http://www.dphhs.mt.gov/marijuanaprogram/ Dated sep 9. 2013. Hey, we will be "neighbors"---I am one state away. BBT
Scotty depending on where in Montana your moveing to ya might be a hop and a jump from me in idaho. Swing by t6
You gonna be a dental floss tycoon ? :roffl: Glad to see you around the board again man! [YOUTUBE]smXctlhgcHk[/YOUTUBE]
ahhh shit, Scotty is going for lower 48 pussy. Glad to hear from you and hoping you have an easy transition to American Life
down from the frozen north. You couldn't pick a warmer time to move? You f out or driving? You already got a spot? Hope you enjoy getting back down here. duc, first thing I thought of when I read the title.
I'm pretty excited about living where I can visit people again by driving. Alaska has been good to us, but living here is rough. The cost of living up here is insane.
The move was successful! Been here in Bozeman, MT for almost 4 years. Home of the Gibson acoustic shop. It looks like my last post about moving was almost 4 years ago to the day. MT is a medical state. It's OK. I'll take it. But I live in town now. Not like in AK where I could grow freely b/c I had no neighbors. I miss growing so badly. I loved growing and I really miss it. I thought being back on here would at least put me around some familiar faces. I am very happy to be back on GK!
Good to see you guys here I'm only one more state to the left If you're ever in the hood. Interesting atmosphere here being recreational and all. an acre or 3 of herb is rediculously tempting. Though I'm afraid of the hoops and business in general...regulations are stiff and getting stiffer, they want to implement tagging and tracking of each individual plant from seed to counter sale...I think that's rediculous, no such thing exists for beer I don't think. But then I'm not sure Either way, scottyG420 welcome back Happy Growin'
With people living so close, we should have a get together in Spokane or something. I had no idea there were more people on this side.
Back in the day, when I was last here, there were GK get togethers. Does that still happen? I could never go cuz I was all the way up in Alaska. I met Green Goblin and Steel City up there. But I’d like to meet others. GK was a big part of my life back then. How bout ChrisCrete, T6 and CannaGirl? They still on here?
I haven't seen any of those folks on for quite some time now. I think something happened to Ccrete, not sure what. T6 and Cannagirl ? no clue. It is cool that there are this many of us in the Northwest.
Last I seen CC he was not happy with the changes to the new web host, problems with pics and logging in. Most problems have been fixed. T6 and canna were both here a while back. Canna not to long ago I think.
I suppose some level of turnover is inevitable. But, it’s great to see the folks that are still here. BigBudz you were on this same thread 4 years ago when I was moving! These days I hop in the car and take long road trips and it’s no problem. So much easier living back in the States. If there were a GK meet greet I would try to get myself there. I think T6 lives in ID.