Mr and Mrs ganjah's outdoor grow 2010

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by rasganjah, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Hi folks!
    We got a couple plants outdoors already. We may put a couple more out in a month or so. The first strain to go outside this year was the Vanilluna a.k.a. Vanilla Moon from DJ Short. We chose to put this strain out first because it grows very stocky short dense branchy plants that yield big buds with a mild smell until the last couple weeks of flowering when it starts to smell strongly floral, but not too much like a classic weed smell. A good choice for our outdoor garden and we expect it to do well outdoors. We will probably put some of our bagseed from last year as well but it grows much taller and lankier and has a significant stretch during flowering so we are waiting a month before planting clones of it and will be training it to grow low using LST.
    We would love to plant some of everything outdoors and let them grow into massive trees but we don't want to draw too much attention since it'll be in our front yard. We do live in a semi rural residential neighborhood and we do have neighbors fairly close by. We have grown outdoors in the past but only small bagseed plants with a lighter smell. Some of our strains like the Super Silver Haze and the Blueberry have Very pungent odors that will travel through the air for a greater distance. We are both medical patients with valid doctors recommendations and we wish we could just grow some monster plants to supply a large amount of meds to have throughout the year and we could grow less indoors. This little ganja garden will have to suffice for now! We will be posting lots of updates and pics along the way so stay tuned!:thumbs-up: Nothing grows the sacred herb better than mother nature.:potleaf-3:

    We recycle tires by using them as raised beds for our plants of all kinds. They work out really well. We put Chicken Wire under them to keep the gophers out! The soil mix is Earth Grow top soil with 25% perlite mixed in along with som lime and organic garden nutes from home depot. I forget the brand right now but it's pretty mild good for all around ferts for a variety of plants. 100% organic. So far they look pretty happy. We'll see how it goes.

    Vanilluna #1

    Vanilluna #2

    Hope you all enjoy the show! We love the outdoor buds!:thumbs-up: :potleaf-3: :nanner-2:
    JuggaloKing420 likes this.
  2. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    Damn, your making me very jealous, RasGanja and MrsGanja!

    I have a great area to grow outside, but I am in a very residential area and it's just asking for trouble. I will plant a clone or two in the yard, but I have to keep mine inside, even though I'm a patient and a caregiver. :laugh:

    It is silly to be legal to grow, but not legal to grow if someone peeks over the fence. :(

    So, I keep my focus indoors. It's not cheap and it's not perfect, but it's what it is.

    I'd love to grow some monsters like these ladies are gonna be. ;)

    Great job and thanks for the thread to :drooling: over.:laugh:

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to rasganjah again.
  3. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Great use of the tire :thumbs-up:
  4. RH!

    RH! Developed Alternating Nodes

    :passsit: +1 on the tire Mr. & Mrs. Ganja. Excellent way to recycle waste!!!!! I think I'm gonna have to be a copy cater lol.:cool-pix:
  5. insaneface

    insaneface Begun Flowering

    hey Ras... thats a nice selection for your outdoor project... i will pull up a chair and cant wait to see these blow up under natural sun light:thumbs-up:
  6. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Tire Planters are the shiznit!

    We just copied someone else's idea too! :thumbs-up:

    We saw the tire planters on a DIY garden show I think,...Or did I read about it in a magazine?... huh I can't remember! :roffl: As soon as I saw that I started collecting old tires and using them as planters all over my yard. I'm sure people in my neighborhood think I work at a tire shop or I'm just some weird hippy!! :roffl: :roffl: They work great for growing anything! We use them for our entire vegetable garden and some shrubs as well. We plan on getting some dwarf fruit trees and using raised tire planters for them too! :thumbs-up: The best thing is that they are free and come in a lot of different sizes so we can get them in the right size for any plant or tree. They can also be stacked on top of one another for a taller planter.
  7. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    Looking good Ras!!! I don't know if I could sleep at night with them in the front yard though..
  8. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    We keep it on the D.L.

    I hear ya! So far I've never had a problem with anyone coming into my yard uninvited. I have a pack of dogs and I may just camp out in my yard next to the garden in September and October when they have big buds on them. We're gonna keep the ganja garden low-pro!:thumbs-up: We have a huge amount of flowers and vegetables starting out right now. Our yard is very busy with plants of all kinds. We just added a fragrant Jasmine plant that will help mask any smells. Our Trumpet Flower plant smells strong as well. We will be adding some Honeysuckle to the mix in a couple weeks too!
  9. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    Sounds good...Stay safe:thumbs-up:
  10. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Diggin the tire thing Ras! Never heard of a a "lo pro" outdoor plant though. Good luck to ya.

  11. lukesmommy

    lukesmommy "lil doobie"

    ooooohhh, this is gonna be a good one Ras, i can FEEL IT!!!

    Pullin up a beanbag chair! nom, nom, nom... :popcorn-2:


  12. SidVicious

    SidVicious Developed Alternating Nodes

    Ahh, the great outdoors. Someday. Good luck with that grow. You'll enjoy it I'm sure!
  13. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    I just thought you were a weird hippie myself. :wink:

    I had a buddy who used the tires for his potatoes.....seemed to work out great for him. I myself like the idea as they will last forever. Had I not had an entire house worth of lumber to use for my own garden I probably would have gone the tire route. I like using recycled materials for everything....just ask Joe. :roll:

    We have an Angel Trumpet ourselves Ras....those things smell DAMN good too! :ebert:

    Keep up the good work buddy.
  14. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Hey Herb!, you're right I am just a weird hippy! :roffl: And as for the potatoes in tires, I also grow potatoes in my tires. It works very well and we get some really tasty potatoes come fall.:thumbs-up:
  15. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman


    Well the two Luna girls that I put outside have triggered and look like they are starting to flower??? Maybe it was just a little too soon to put them outside. I guess the days were still too short, and going from indoors under 24 hr light to outside caused them to switch to flowering. I don't know if they will switch back to vegetative or continue to flower. I have more clones I can put outside if necessary.

    Should I change them to an 18/6 schedule before I take them outside? Will they always trigger flowering if I change them from 24 hr light to a normal dawn and dusk schedule outdoors unless I gradually increase the number of dark hours? I've never grown outdoors from clones I grew indoors. In the past all my outdoor has been from seeds that i started outdoors.
  16. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    Same thing happened to me last year....I just waited and they went back into veg mode, but it was a pain in the ass and I lost some valuable veg time. I'm not sure what the answer is other than to put them outside later. I was going to put mine outside in late May early June to prevent the early flowering from happening.
  17. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Update Time!

    Ok well it's been a while since I updated this thread because it's been pretty dull. As I already posted previously, my Luna girls flowered upon being placed outdoors this spring. So they have been slow to switch back to vegetative and have remained very short and stocky. The Luna is a very stocky plant anyways and having gone into early flower seems like it's going to severely impact the size of the plants. They still have little buds on them. We had some pretty cool nights in early spring so the little buds are purple. They smell good and have some trichomes too. They seem to be switching back to vegetative now so hopefully we will have enough time for them to get bigger. Here a couple pics of the Luna girls.




    Up until now it has just been these two girls in the outdoor garden. We had a large Flo mother that has been taking up a lot of space under the lights for a while now, and since we weren't too impressed with it indoors we decicded to see how it does outdoors. The buds were fairly tasty but they were small and fluffy indoors grown in hempy. Hopefully the buds will get bigger outdoors than they did indoors, and maybe growing in soil will produce a better aroma. I'll take a clone from her and do a bonsai mom to keep the genetics going for the time being. Here she is in the garden.



    I'm doing some training on her. She's a super tall lanky growing plant. I figured she light do well being trained along the fence like a vine. Hopefully she will like it.

    Since there wasn't too much to see in the Ganja garden I took a bunch of pics of our vegetable garden to share with you guys. We are doing quite a few different vegetables. We use the same tire planter method for a lot of our vegetables. Next year I'm going to screen the bottom of all the tires. We have already had a problem with GOPHERS!!!:new_cussing: :groundhog: :hairpull1: So to start the garden pics we went to war with the gopher and won. He had taken a tire full of peas, my green beans, several marigolds, and generally dug up my yard.



    And now for the vegies!

    Here is our Grapevine.





    Purple Basil


    Cinnamon, Cilantro, and Tarragon


    This tomato came up all by itself from last years tomatoes. There are actually several "wild" tomatoes that popped up on their own.


    More tomatoes. They are Jet Star


    2 kinds of hot peppers. These plants are from last year and are coming back to life agin this year. They survived the whole winter.


    These tomatoes are revegging from last year also.


    Lima Beans




    Yellow Bush Beans




    Lemon Cucumbers






    Tire Garden



    A Barrel of Sage and wild Chamomile


    A barrel with Peppermint, Variegated Lemon Thyme, Rosemary Seedlings, and a Bell Pepper Seedling




    We have Patty Pan (AKA Summer Squash) as well. They are small seedlings still. Also some mystery squash that came up in the compost. We just started some Black beans also. We will throw some more pics of both gardens as they grow. We plan on adding another plant or two to the ganja garden soon. I'm not sure what strain/s but we will update when we do. Hope you enjoyed the pics. :thumbs-up: :potleaf-3:
    Gratitude likes this.
  18. greenthumbwhitethumb

    greenthumbwhitethumb down w the moral majority

    i really like that tire garden! i too like to recycle whatever i can. i just finished planting my square foot garden, i lucked out and had some lengths of leftover trex deck planks i built mine with. i didn't have the luck of the gopher though, i had the luck of a hard frost on the 30th of May. WTF. all the hard work starting all my own seeds... zap. oh well, what can you do? :dontknow:

    those are some wacky looking leaves on your luna, never seen those before! do they all look like that, or is that from switching your environment? i like the fence training too. a more natural way of the jog, kinda. i hope they can get nice & big for you guys outside, if the weather is nice. that's the big scare for me outdoors, the unpredictability with weather. i guess some folks on here like that though, kinda like the bag seed crap shoot! :)

    :beerchug-2: here's to no more gophers for you, your veggies look great!



  19. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    Very nice looking garden Ras - MrsGanja:):ebert:

    I think your little girls will straighten out. they have a long summer to make up for any set-back. :)

    I added several tomato's and a couple peppers. I have a small little girl that did the same sort of premature flowering thing. It's was like that when I got it. Not sure of it's history. Just one some was giving away . . . so I figured WTF?

    Thanks for posting all the super cool and motivating pics. This thread got my to do alittle something outside this year.:thumbs-up:

    I can't wait to see how it looks in about 8 weeks. ;) :ebert:
  20. big t double

    big t double i finally changed this

    i know the marigolds serve a purpose... but i dont know what....can you enlighten me??:thumbs-up: and nice garden! love the tires.

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