my backyard grow

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by GberT, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    This year has been bad from the start in terms of bugs. i find holes all over the leaves. Im thinking aphids as i see little white buggers jumping when i touch the leaves and shake the plants.

    soaps and chemical sprays can be considered but one thing i found helpfull both indoors and out is Potasium silicate in conjunction with any feeding regiment.

    this is known as barricade for advanced nutrients and mabey just p-silicate for other brands...anyway this stuff makes a protective coating almost plastic like feel rather than soft silky munch friendly leaves.

    keep in mind it takes time using once a week to build such a layer on vegging plants.

  2. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    durban poison

  3. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    I will agree that there have been an unusual amount of bugs around lately. I personally blame all the flash rainstorms for all this insect activity. I would recommend getting some neem oil and if possible putting them outside in pots so you can bring them inside at night because that's when the insects are most active. I didn't get a terribly good look at your plant but I would caution to guess that it isn't aphids because if it were there would have to be a whole lot of them to produce any kind of holes that you could see with the naked eye. Now there are all kinds of caterpillars and beetles out there that will produce similar problems, even leaf miners if the infestation is severe. Usually for aphids I'll look for ants and black wasps, because that shows a complete food chain.
  4. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Good luck fighting the munchers. Is the product your using from Advanced Nutrients? Never heard of it.

    The plants are looking strong in spite of being chewed on. Nice going.
  5. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still

    I love a good backyard grow! :punk:

    Will keep tuned on this Gbert :icon_cyclops::animbong:
  6. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    Aphid damage looks like a bunch of pit marks bunched together. You'll be able to see evidence from them anywhere on the plant from where it meets dirt to the top, not just on the leaves. And if you touch them while they're fresh they'll feel a little moist.
  7. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    They are outside. They are going to have a few bites taken out. I never went crazy and started spraying mine if a few bugs took a bite. They will be fine. It may do more harm spraying shit for a bug who probably spent the night had breakfast and then flew away.

    Your plants look great.
  8. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    ty for the feedback guys ill def post again when they begin to flower...although im not proud of my stuff this year but its all good i guess.

    check out my mess of heritage tomatoes hehe, can you spot the dope?

  9. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    Even if I didn't see it I would've guessed "in the middle of the picture"
  10. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    Durban poison one week earlier than Early pearl for this time of the year mmmm. weak strain compared to kush but i need to experience some south african stuff.


  11. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

  12. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Geat pic!
  13. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    few more pics sorry for the junky i got one in the ground rest all in pots. stretchy garbage plant on the right of first pic is outflowering everything haha kinda funny cause i burned it hardcore and all the fan leaves dropped.


  14. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    this is the top of the stretchy plant mmm yum.

    cheebamonkey likes this.
  15. link420

    link420 Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    nice lookin ladies :thumbsup: lookin forward to more
  16. lukesmommy

    lukesmommy "lil doobie"

    VERY NICE, Gbert!!! Those are some happy, healthy lookin ladies!

    Can't wait for more!


  17. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

  18. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    nite shoT

  19. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Looking good!! -Bud
  20. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    Durban posion is pure garbage, prob the worst plant to grow outdoors haha. i had way better results with early pearl. Both were dutch passion.

    I had 2 plants come out different which is cool one smells like aniseed liquor and the other more fruity and denser nugs, you see nice sativa buds more on the one than the other, like those towers you see protruding outwards all over.

    theres 3 days of rain in a row comming soon im scared i dont want any powdery mildew to flare up its nasty eh:roulette:

    Well ima play it by year im terms of harvesting. Im praying i dont get ript off friends know i grow a few plants outside my house but i hope the wrong person aint gonna snake it before i get to chop it lol down.

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