nice hookah mr P! i havent been able to smoke the ganja out of one yet, but double apple is my favorite tobacoo to smoke out of them things!
hey mrp.nice hooka. i also love to smoke tobacco with my bud. where did you get that apple tobacco from? is it just a flavored tobacco? i have been searching every store where i live for those supposed to be new camel flavor cigs. they were supposed to have some apple orange cigs but i just cant find any.
right, i guess that did sound like the "new camel flavored cigs" i meant camel brand. nothing like the dry taste of the sahara
Its not tobacco like your thinking, just think of orange marmalade with tobacco leaves cut up and mixed in, the stuff i have is two apples it looks like they cut up apples in small peices and cooked em in some sugar and water and added tobacco. Here is a link to see some of the flavs. some sound real good, i pack my bowl with the apple then break up some weed and mix it in on top cover with the foil(special foil not aluminum) poke holes in it and light a pice of charcoal and place ontop and voila good to smoke for an hour or so great when you have a few freinds over just pass the pipe around and everyone gets high.
the best and sweetest tobacco i've ever smoked was thru a hookah when i owned one to quit smokin to pass a hair test. Hair testing fer that the most ridiculous thing? I smoked my Hookah fer 3 months...and yes...i did pass the hair test.