My outdoor

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Danno33, May 27, 2004.

  1. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    hey everybody...I finally found my spot a few weeks ago. It was a hunt ill tell ya, lots of forest, lots of paths in the forest, and not many places. Im looking for a place that gets loootss of light, and after all the hunting and sweating lol, i climed a big mountain (accually its a hill but a big one hehe), and struggled through an abundance of trees. THE SPOT!!!as soon as i saw it, i knew it was it, what a beaut!! So then, i had to find my way back...opps!!
    but eventually i found it, good thing because it was dusk as i was leaving. I think the thing that helped me the most to find my way home, was the victory joint i sparked when i was leaving my new site. haha i now know that i have a good sense of direction....when im stoned!!!!

    well the update is, i jsut finished my holes for my outdoor grow today...
    12 in total. man i got eaten alive by the stupid masquitos..but everything went well. its such a beautiful spot too, on a mountain facing the south, and faces these HUGE houses houndreds of yards away, with city its an amazing view, as well as a perfect spot...i cant hang out their too long and i dont think that people can see 5ft plants from that far...but, it is around trails so i have to be carful, but dont worry the trails lead nowhere near the site, and plus people ONLY like to follow the trails. And in this spot, nobody will go. They have no reason because you basically have to go over high grass off the trail, and go under pine i was foolish enough to do it, and i luckily found this
    hopfully nobody eles will...THere is alaways a slim chance however. I can only make my visits at dusk because other wise people from those houses may see movement up in the mountains (if they happen to be looking), and they'll get suspicious. Today when i was digging the holes i could see people at the house far far away. but i dont think they saw me...

    Next visit tomorow hopfully if it doesnt rain, will be the soil visit...i have to bring 12 40qt bags of soil to my site that is about a 15-20 minute walk...ouch, but better than a 3 hour walk!! i can only probably bring 2-3 at a time, depending on how heavy it will be...accually that is a good question, how heavy will a 40 quart bag be?[​IMG]??? because im going to have to do alot of back and fourth visits getting the soil to the site, i want to minimize this as much as possible...hmm?!?!?!

    anyways, ill get some pics soon, of the plants, and the view from the
    hopfully this will be a sucessful crop, its my first time doing more than 1 plant outdoor..things could get hehe
    thanks everybody...
  2. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    #Moderation Mode

    #moved to outdoor forum

    Moved here
  3. CircusFreak420

    CircusFreak420 New Sprout

    Danno what i think is that your growing site shouldnt be at all visible by people's houses, This is a major risk that ur taking but hey if the houses are a mile or more away than that should be a little less dangerous. I really doubt that people will notice the plants but its them noticing you that u should be more worried about, plus try not to leave trails because if u go the same path every time ur gonna make a trail leading straight to your batch.

    ...thats a few things to think about next time you get out there!

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  4. Herbert

    Herbert Germinated

    your site sounds amazeing i want to start to get some out door plants soon i am goin searching for a site today i live in NJ get some pics of the site and plants

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