I don't think any country should be selling WMD. Not the US, not Russia, not China, not N. Korea, nobody!
No country should have WMD - it's another lie that you need them for PROTECTION (same as your gun laws, but that's another post!)- but to have some kind of consensus, you would need the UN - which the Bush administration has almost destroyed. Or is it that America thinks that it's the only country with the "right to bear arms"!
WMD are a paranoid, control freaks idea of functional and productive warfare and problem solving...They are held sacred by war mongers, the clinically insane, the emotionally disturbed, the abusive and of course the heartless...Only spineless, and highly dysfunctional individuals believe killing hundreds of thousands or even millions of innocent civilians with the push of a button is an acceptable and logical way of solving a nations problems...WMD should be illegal for ANY country to possess let alone sharing and distributing them. IMHO those who believe such weapons are nescesary should not be running a country or even running a 7-11 for that matter...It should be mandatory that all potential world leaders are psychologically screened with an intense battery of excercises and tests by "independent" psychatrists and if their test scores show even a slight lean toward chronic abusive or dysfunctional behavior they should be banned from ever holding office, period...just my opinion ...Please offer your opinions on my philosophy the day AFTER a nuclear weapon or chemical warhead is dropped on YOUR town, until then save the bullshit for someone who cares...have a good one (Edited by Seizure Dude at 3:33 pm on April 4, 2003)
nah, mama when he shot it , it took out half the city.. Didn't you see it on the news? oops, didn't mean to get off topic.. I think WMD shouldn't be sold or made.. why can't we all just get along? (Edited by ClayStreet at 5:11 pm on April 4, 2003)
I have to agree! i think everyone should dearm everyone..not just a few countrys bul everyone..its a long shot, cuz theirs always gona be rouge countrys trying to sneak stuff to be the top (usa for example) but that would be perfect eh?
I think they aughtta put those A-19 XJ's back online.. **** i loved those things. I sold all of mine to Bin Laden though.
Personally No WMD's should not be sold to other countries.But what WMD's are we selling?In the past the U.S. has sold or given biological agents to other countries such as Iraq for research and development and look how the U.S. has to clean up it's mess.As far as i now we no longer sell these agents and i know we don't sell nuclear devices but if i'm wrong i stand corrected.
If the Scud missle is considered a WMD, then it would stand to reason an F-18, F-15 etc are all WMD since they are capable of doing far more damage, yet the US continues to arm Isreal. Virtua:
A Scud of it's self is not a WMD, but if you put a chemical or bio warhead on it, then it becomes a WMD. An F-18 is not a WMD, but if you hang a nuke under an F-18, then it becomes a WMD. So it all depends on how they are armed.
That description of a WMD doesn't explain why the Al Samoud II rockets had to be destroyed. They had to be destroyed because it could travel over 150 miles, but it didn't have to do with the payload. Scuds with a high yield explosive were not allowed, not just Bio or chemical Scuds. Otherwise Iraq would be allowed to use HE Scuds against the U.S and be condemed for using "WMD". Virtua:
We gave Iraq wmd to use agaist Iran, and Iran wmd to use against Iraq. We also gave ammo to the ayatollah, and provided intelligence to the Iraqi's, so they could kill more of each other. Seems like we thrive on a high death toll. We also gave wmd to bin-laden, to use against the commies. We've probably given some to the Afgani's since we invaded their country and set up a puppet gov't. I would assume that the definition of wmd would be weapons that can kill lots of people. Which means that when we used poison gas aganist the Germans in WW I, we were guilty of using wmd, just like when we dropped nuclear weapons on Japan. I think it would also have to include firebombs, which we dropped on Germany during WW II, several times, in several cities (Frankfurt was one). We firebombed civilian population centers and killed as many as 100,000 in a single air raid. 100,000 CIVILIANS in a single air raid. Before all you pro-war people say "but there we good reasons why we used wmd", Iraq had a reason to use the wmd we sold them too. They used them to kill their enemies, which is what we intended when we sold wmd to them.
WMD have always been around and will continue to be around as long as we are on this planet.We can not get along,we are violent by nature and are waiting for the next evolutionary jump that will take us away from our fight or flight survival instincts.We are a species searching for a way to destroy ourselves and the planet and I just hope that we make the jump before it is to late for us and the insects take over (what is left).Thats why so many of us love the weed (it makes you forget this fucked up world or it makes you pipe dream of ways to make this world better). Ranger wasn't it the Germans who used gas first in WW I ?
dawg, after the nuclear war, cockroaches will be the only living thing on the planet. Just imagine what they'll look like in 200,000,000 years. standing on 2 legs and building spacecraft of their own. amazing.