I've been watching some video of these anti war protests, and I don't get some of it. Our constitution guarantees the right to assemble and protest, so I believe protesters are doing the right thing by getting out and saying they don't agree with the war. Where I disagree with the protests is when a lawful assembly turns into a riot, then the protesters become common criminals. Why does a protest have to turn into rock throwing, destruction of property, and looting? How is any of that anti war? Look at the protest in NYC, the people marched, sang, protested and then went home. Now compare that to San Francisco where they were breaking windows, looting stores, turning cars over, setting fires, and fighting with the police. What kind of protest is that? The anti war message gets lost in all the violence and criminal activity. What are these people thinking?
You know I'm anti war, but those people no more represent me than you do. I agree with you that they are wrong. I was at an appointment in downtown seattle as the WTO riots broke out and the group mentality of crowd that feels up against the wall is overpowering. I don't stoop to condone their actions, but to lump all the other peaceful attendees in with the few assholes just isn't right.
Its sad how some people feel the need to riot. I think its a need to be heard. A friend of mine is dating a peace protester who believes that rioting works. They said the other day "fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity" It makes sense, but not coming from her.
It discredits them though, and i think it has the reverse effect of what thier seeking. When people see rioting in the streets, they dont say "hey those guys have a point" They say "what kind of ******* flys half way across the country, protest something, then burn down the town they protest in?"
These protesters sound like anti-government types as opposed 2 soley anti-war protesters, and the war just gives them the excuse 2 come out in force and fight their cause. This is what I've noticed while out protesting (in Britain).
they are anti anything to be anti about. they just like to talk **** and stir **** up. AIR RAID IN BAGDHAD 8:20pm EXPLOSION!!!!!!
I'm thinkin its more like anti-Bush than anti-war. (see avatar) (Edited by Waitingfortheson at 11:39 am on Mar. 24, 2003)
:BushDumb: Not good. Dont get me wrong. I dont support the guy on many issues other than the war. But this is not constructive criticism by any means.
Many times, when a sports team wins a championship, there is a riot. What's your point, other than the fact that some people like to riot?
My point is that when the riot starts the message of the protest is lost. When you see it on the news, all you see is criminal activity and you think "what a bunch of assholes" you don't see people protesting the war, you see them tearing up your city. It isn't the way to get a message of peace across.
They had to lock up some protesters here today. The dummies were in the streets blocking rush hour traffic downtown. IDIOTS! Someone please tell me how down in the middle of the street deters war. Thats just gonna piss off people who support the troops even more. What's the logic here? Hey I got an idea. Lets lay down in the middle of the road and piss off all the people trying to get home from work. That will change some minds. LOL! Whatever! These are the same people that call Bush dumb? They were hauled off to jail. Pretty funny actually.
ha. I dont see why they lay on the streets. I mean there will be enough dead in the war already why more? lol
Heres a breakdown of the protestors. Some are actually against the iraqi qar, some are against war all together, some are against bush, some are against america, some political parties ie: the socialist party have organized some fo these protests in an attempt to overthrow capitalism. You know how you can tell how many ppl are actually opposed to the war? You take the number of people who protested about this one, then all the ppl who protested against clintons bombing of iraq in 1993 and 1998. Youll see the difference is a few million atleast. In thier minds, when Bush bombs iraq its for the oil, when clinton bombs iraq its because he really cares ROFL
You missed a group SS, what about the ones who use the protests as an excuse to loot and destroy for fun, and who could give a **** less about the war.