I hate the bitch, but it is another popular voice in our corner. The tides are turning in America and the politicians are taking note. We have pop culture icons becoming very vocal for our side, and now major politician players. We may ALL be able to be out of the "closet" soon. From: http://pelosi.house.gov/news/press-releases/2012/05/pelosi-statement-on-recent-federal-government-actions-threatening-safe-access-to-medicinal-marijuana.shtml
Eventually it's gonna be the $$ that make cents/sense. Once politicians feel that supporting MMJ or any MJ lagalization won't adversely affect their careers by alienating them from their constituents, they will start to push for reform. It will end up making a lot of $$ when it goes federal.asssit:
Well just knock me over with a feather. That's gotta be the first right thing that dumb c*** has ever done.
Pelosi's a blood sucking c**t...but YAY!!!! Considering her home district there wasn't really any choice was there?. Notice she said the same thing 4 different ways in that release? :roffl::roffl::roffl::roffl:
Yup, feel the same as everyone else. But besides Obama she is basically the main face and influence of the street walking Democrats, and will probably convince many of them who were not in support of marijuana. Like it was said, once the politicians aren't afraid to say the "unspeakable" about weed anymore, we are golden......or at least reduced to moonshine status....either way...
For Pelosi it's a no brainer, but still a dilemma. $$ vs votes. Keep the union and lobbyist $$ and lose some votes or give up the $$ influence and go for votes. No votes = no hope of ever getting any more $$ in the future so the votes win. Even she's bright enough to figure that one out.
I support Nancy Pelosi supporting medical marijuana, and hope others will support it too. :danger:We've got to stop the feds from beating our doors in for this shit. :danger: She now has my vote.