Need help help on my outdoor plot.

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by LoVeThEcHrOnIcPoT, May 13, 2004.

  1. Ok.. this is my first real grow outdoors. I actually have things to control my grow and i need to know from you pro's what i should expect..
    My strain is Northern Lights #5..very healthy,dark green indica plant.Iv cloned it and am currently growing them indoors and going to until there all about a foot tall before i put them outside..(around may24)
    For my outdoor plot I dug many holes 2X2 and about a foot or so deep and am going to plant one plant per spot..  Very nice sunlight.. for fertilizer i am mixing the regular ground dirt with potting soil,bone meal,blood meal.
    Im thinking of getting some organic fertilizer to add with my water also..not too sure what yet though. have to visit a local hydroponic store..
    So if i do this corectly..Water everytime the soil is dry
    what should i expect per plant???
  2. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    #Moderation Mode

    if you have a question about outdoor growing please post it in the outdoor forum.

    thanks :smokin:

    Moved here
  3. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    *EDIT*" target="_blank">>*EDIT* MellowDood: hmmm, that's strange. after i edited it to add a link that url changed from plain text to a link :ponder:

    (Edited by MellowDood at 1:56 am on May 13, 2004)
  4. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Let me add that it's often a bad idea to use bone and/or blood meal outdoors since some animals like to dig it up.
  5. Sly

    Sly Begun Flowering

    hah?? really--are ranger are you apro gardener--i dont mean ONly MJ

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