hello gk. so, i got one pretty successful indoor grow under my belt, gonna try the outdoor thing now lol. my buddy has 40 secluded acres and water on site. have read up on outdoor growing, but was wanting some experienced farmers do's and dont's. this soil was used for cattle for many years and still has manure all over it, so think i would have to do any amendibg? my biggest concern right now would be deer, although after walking the land i didnt see one drop of deer poop. any input would be real helpful. thanks
My experience is put them out around june 24 For me all my plants did was want to flower for a month We put ours out in April, anyway then after a while they revegged only to have to re-flower, and they were out there 8 weeks longer then need be and that means a lot security wise. Now My plants were on 18/6 at the time and then went out. Also they were Kush if that matters? And we were not trying for really large plants. Anyway if i plant out again Im going to wait. Good luck
If you piss around your plants, put human hair, or leave any signs of humans that will help out with the deer problem. You can also buy fox scent to help out. If your looking to grow some monsters dig out a nice size hole for each plant, like 3ft diameter and around a foot deep. You should also nurse your plants until they're about a foot tall before you transplant. Other than that it's really simple compared to indoor, just water the shit out of them.
hey thanks sg 420. k i fellin like a dummy lol. u mean dig the hole out, plant, and back fill it with soil? or bury the whole plant? i know i do that with tomatoes, i'll bury them about 3/4 of plant in ground, sorry fer bein a dummy bro.
If you are in a state with winter/fall freeze, make sure your plants will finish. Dig holes and add new soil or amend it. You want to do this. You are going to want to add some perlite or vermiculite or both to the soil at the least. Have not had a problem with deer.
Definitely refill the hole. What I did was put a small layer of gravel in the bottom then a nice layer of peat moss then refilled the holes with top soil and some soil from digging the hole out. I filled all of mine to the point where it was a small mound of dirt not a hole, with a small trench around the edge where the hole was dug to collect water. Hope this helps.
go to home depot or lowes, get a 25' or 50' roll of wire mesh for concrete (the rusted square stuff) and get some 4ft rebar lengths (7-10) and some tie-wire and pliers to twist the steel wire. Total $70 or so Pound with a hammer the rebar in the ground about a foot or so, do that in the outline of the area of your growing space.....then take the roll and roll it around the vertical rebar pieces, then take a piece of the wire and tie it around the bar and to the wire mesh, thus making a makeshift fence, add and extra bar to the end of it to make a door to acess the spot Now you have a 100% totaly everyanimal proof fence that is completely camo cuz of the rust and large squares that make it almost invisable to the eye from past 30ft, its EASILY portable, reuseable and being 5ft tall is deer proof for sure Ive used this method for a few years and NEVER had an animal issue.......good luck.......and dig channels between your rows, it helps collect the rainwater
Or go buy some plantskydd Been using it for several seasons now and have never lost a plant treated with it a light misting is all you need one spray lasts for a month or more. I give my plants a mist when they hit the ground and again just before buds appear that's it. http://www.plantskydd.com/