Need to complain

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by ShadowWarrior, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    I had 5 femmed seeds from nirvana... 2 germed, supposedly have some replacements on the way for about a month now.

    Anyway, I had those two under my 150wHPS for 2 weeks. They were doing fine. Short, bushy, tight growth.

    It was getting too hot inside without proper ventilation and I figured they were ready to go outside, so I put them in the bushes until I could make a trip into town to get some fencing supplies and then take them to my secret location.. well, over last weekend, some damn thing dug both of them up and out of the pots(used fish emulsions-dumb ass me)

    Got them replanted and watered, but the stretch is just fucking hideous. These plants are supposed to be indica dominant, and WERE growing ver compact and dense... well, that shit went out the window. In the last week they have grown about over 6 inches and the majority is just lanky stretch.

    No rain in the forecast, right? They were dry and had been on the ground for possibly up to 48 hours... so after I repotted and watered them, we get two days of monsoon type rain with hail.. WTF?!?

    I checked them yesterday morning and they look ok except for some ridiculous stretchng and sickly looking leaves, but I think it's a mild nitrogen burn... should be flushed now tho...

    the revegging lemon skunk next to them looks nice and healthy. Showing signs of excess water, but I think it'll recover just fine. KInda wish I'd taken it out back in mid april. I didn't because I figured we'd get a shit load of rain as usual but no.. until wednesday we haven't had but maybe a total of 2 inches of rain since march... fuck.

    I hate to say it, but I may have to give up on outdoor growing, something ALWAYS sabotages me... oh did I forget to mention outdoor temps have been exceeding 100F with up to 60-80% humidity?

    Yeah, this sucks. Working on getting some ventilation/ac/ and my 400W lamp out of storage. Gotta have that ace in the hole if my harvest gets ruined again this year.

    Please pray to the ganja gods/godesses that my efforts pay off for a reasonable 1lb minimum harvest with 2lbs being preferred but unlikely at this point. I'm already a month behind schedule.
  2. Grown in Tx.

    Grown in Tx. Locked and Loaded

    Damn bro I feel ya on the heat bullshit. I have had a hard time with it myself.not sure how your grow room is set up, but sounds like your in the veg. stage try doin 18 hr of light and shutem off for the 6hrs in the heat of the day. It should help a little. If you aint got fans or ac you don't have much to work with. If you had 'em in the bushes not getting direct sun that probly didn't your stretching. sounds like you got what you need, you just need to go get the shit. You might want to get some strong floro's or a M.H. for your veging. That hps on your veging plants probly aint doin ya no good with stretching either. Just my opinion
  3. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    na, while it was under the 150W HPS, there was practically no stretching, just the heat was cooking them and they were drying out too fast.

    Now that they're outside, the temps are waay too high, and no they're not getting all the sunlight they need. The plan is to get some fencing to keep critters off, and get them out in a secluded, full sun location first thing monday morning.

    This was a poorly executed set-up on my behalf.

    The room I started vegging to prep for outdoors is a small room I have the lamp in though so it heats up quick, so I got a window mounted AC to keep it cool. Just need a socket adaptor to make it work. Then I can have some going outdoors and in at the same time
  4. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    I say relax keep em watered and fed.....Ya i gave up outside

    just could not Control everything , But IMO outdoor weed rules.

    You get more weed that with that 150

    Good luck
  5. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    Bury that stalk up to the first set of leaves/node when ya transplant or ya even bury a node or 2 if ya have too. Instantly a shorter plant.

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