New Federal Mmj Law Passed!!!!

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana' started by lukesmommy, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    LOL, Actually... According to the date stamp it is a year from now Useless... I just chalked it up to a typo.:wink:

    I was also merely seeking confirmation... Trying to see if it is true.
  2. Tony Aroma

    Tony Aroma Let's Go - Two Smokes!

    Uh, I hate to be a bubble burster, but the title of this thread is misleading (i.e., totally false). There is no new federal law nor has any federal law changed. The CSA has not been repealed nor has cannabis been rescheduled. This is just a formal statement, in writing, of what AG Holder said several months ago. You know, before all those dispensary raids that have been going on in CA ever since. Read the entire memo. Like this part:

    It just gives federal prosecutors some leeway in who they choose to go after. It doesn't in any way stop them from doing their jobs, which is enforcing federal law. Which is the same as it's been since 1970. And if recent history teaches us anything, the DEA will go after whomever they please. Nor will this stop the DEA from coming to the aid of local LEO when they are called in to assist in a raid.

    So as not to be totally pessimistic, this is an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny baby step in the right direction. But no more.
    ResinRubber likes this.
  3. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Let me start by saying I believe cannabis should be as free and legal as every other plant. But since it's not, it has to be regulated in some way and there are crooks in every business.

    The problem is how the authorities go about it. Instead of having a swat team bust down the door, take all the inventory and money and make arrests, they could do it on a civilized level and treat it like any other business. Send in a couple auditors/investigators and see if everything is legit. If there are problems they either get fined or warned and have to fix the problems within a certain time or face further action. Busting down the door should be a last resort, not a first as it is now.
  4. morel

    morel Guest

    "memo put in writing the AG’s previous verbal statements to the effect that the federal government would no longer seek to arrest or prosecute medical marijuana patients and providers who comply with their state medical marijuana laws".

    The bite to this, is that the fed is not going to be looking at medical Marijuana patients and care givers, unless they break State law. If they break state law, then the Fed is going to step in and double up the charges against them.
  5. Tony Aroma

    Tony Aroma Let's Go - Two Smokes!

    I don't think that's what this memo's saying at all. For example, with regard to state law, check out this part of the memo:

    The first part I put in italics essentially says that state mmj laws are null and void as far as the feds are concerned. As if that wasn't bad enough, the second part I put in italics says that state laws are irrelevant to federal prosecutions. This memo is basically just SSDD.
  6. virago420

    virago420 Excommunicated

    Man I just dont get this...

    Of course, no State can authorize violations of federal law

    Medical MJ dispensiaries are legal in Cali are they not? Is that not authorizing violations of federal law? Or are they doing something else illegal such as selling to non MMJ patients? Sorry for being dumb, just confused is all. Thanks for any and all info! Peace

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