New Growthage

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Herbert, May 31, 2004.

  1. Herbert

    Herbert Germinated

    I need some help i havea friend he has 12 outdoor plants they started off in red cups adn then he tranplanted into the ground but did not prep soil at all they have grown a little but he has watered them evrey day they only about 4" if some one stumbled upon them u would not notce it was pot they still small but they are 2 weeks old will they grow bigger soon and get actual leaves
  2. Small Time

    Small Time Veggy Stage

    Well yeah, lol

    Sometimes watering them everyday can be too much. At a young stage i used a spray bottle and lightly soaked the ground and leaves. You might want to tell your friend to hit up a gardening store and grab some 20-20-20 ferts. They will grow at an alarming rate and you should see sex at around week 4.

  3. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

  4. kp420

    kp420 New Sprout

    I agree with Small Time, except for when you grow outdoors, plants "usually" won't show sex until the days have about 12 hours light and 12 hours dark. My outdoor grow last year never showed sex until mid Sept.

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