New Growthage

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by Herbert, May 31, 2004.

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  1. Herbert

    Herbert Germinated

    I need some help i havea friend he has 12 outdoor plants they started off in red cups adn then he tranplanted into the ground but did not prep soil at all they have grown a little but he has watered them evrey day they only about 4" if some one stumbled upon them u would not notce it was pot they still small but they are 2 weeks old will they grow bigger soon and get actual leaves
  2. Small Time

    Small Time Veggy Stage

    Well yeah, lol

    Sometimes watering them everyday can be too much. At a young stage i used a spray bottle and lightly soaked the ground and leaves. You might want to tell your friend to hit up a gardening store and grab some 20-20-20 ferts. They will grow at an alarming rate and you should see sex at around week 4.

  3. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

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