New Gun Bill in MN for arrested or identified MJ users

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ResinRubber, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    SF205, HF0237, HF0241, and HF0244 would make it so that if you got convicted of a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor marijuana charge you would be ineligible to possess a firearm in Minnesota for 3 years. Please correct me if I'm wrong. These are all versions of what will probably end up being one bill.

    Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 624.713, is amended to read:


    Subdivision 1. Ineligible persons. The following persons shall not be entitled to possess a pistol or semiautomatic military-style assault weapon or, except for clause (1), any other firearm:

    (4) a person who has been convicted in Minnesota or elsewhere of a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor violation of chapter 152, unless three years have elapsed since the date of conviction and, during that time, the person has not been convicted of any other such violation of chapter 152 or a similar law of another state; or a person who is or has ever been committed by a judicial determination for treatment for the habitual use of a controlled substance or marijuana, as defined in sections 152.01 and 152.02
  2. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    You haven't heard if you smoke marijuana you will not pass the background check to buy a firearm. So all you med users won't be buying any guns.-Bud

    P.S. This shit really pisses me off .In the univeral background check if you use marijuana you won't be able to buy a gun & if you lie on your permit they are going to prosecute you. Looks like to me they want to disarm 50% of Amercia because at lease 50% of Americans say they have smoked marijuana before.What's next a piss test when you aply for a permit.-Bud
  3. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    Hell, they'd probably push for a piss test to purchase ammo if they thought it'd get any traction.
  4. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Then reason I do not hunt or have not since a child: I don't trust my friends sober or not with a gun, an they are trained and intelligent. I just don't want to risk my life to stoners with guns, joint lit or not.
  5. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    background check asks "addicted to" not if you use
  6. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    I'm talking about the New universal background check that they are trying to push.-Bud
  7. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion

    I've already got them
  8. Bigbud214

    Bigbud214 Ganja Guru Extreme

    yup already have my permit and a couple handguns... the issue here in Ct. is ammo. I cant even get .22LR ammo for christ's sake..... let alone ,45ACP self defense ammo.... And they are talking about a 50% tax on ammo.... WTF? why not tax the 1% ers of top incomers for a year at that rate and do something about the deficit???? or how much does the presidential inaugeration celebration cost?????
  9. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Why don't you save some money and make a trip to the gun show...guns suck there in reality and are usually over priced...sometimes you find a good deal that someone brought in, but the main reason is for ammo....always have ammo!!! or you just have a paper weight.

    PowerBall ammo in the winter, hydrashock in the summer :)
  10. Bigbud214

    Bigbud214 Ganja Guru Extreme

    Ball ammo for range..... high velocity .22lr cause its what cycles best in ,y browning buckmark.... when carrying the 1911 .45ACP the first 2 rounds are expanding jacketed hollow points at 230 grain with a +P charge. So thats a hollow point that weighs the same as a FMJ ball load but traveling at the velocity of the usual 185 grain hollow point. Yup its a nasty load. The best thing is Im carrying locked and loaded with the 1911. You have the grip safety and the thumb safety so by time i have the sights fixed its live with out having to rack the slide....

    edit.... gun shows have been halted here due to recent school violence

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