I didn't know exactly where this thread should go so i guess it goes here. I have always cured using mason jars and after a while it seems eventually the buds get dry and have to be rehydrated. so i came up with the idea to use a cigar humidore which keeps expensive cigars in their prime. I bought this one which is made out of cherry with a cedar interior with hygrometer and adjustable humidifier.This thing is huge and alot bigger than i thought when i ordered it.you can probably cure 1.5 to 2 lbs.It also has 3 adjustable dividers and a removable tray...with a little modification you could make it a rolling tray but i'll just use it for extra storage. They say the optimum humidity is 70% but like i said it is adjustable to your personal prefrences. I did a test run with some white widow that was getting pretty dry.....and after a couple of days it was moist and still burnable. i tested further and left it in for 3 weeks now and it's doing great. Using this you keep optimum temperature, darkness, and proper humidity....the 3 main ingredients in good curing.
Now THAT'S a stashbox GT I found that my stealthstash keeps the buds at just the right humidity for my liking.....have you tried that or are you looking for long term storage? You can buy a small humidor and just through it in the stealth if need be too.
yeah Herb this is long time storage...since i grow for myself i usually have alot that has to last.lately i've been using the stealth for the every day or every other day bud and the rest in mason jars......the one's in the mason jars seem to get dry after a while. I hope to have this dude pretty full at the end of the month after harvest.
you could probably make a million off your grows Herb. especially in my area, where weed is just boring..
My buds make me rich, but not with money....The value of smoking good herb far outweighs the money to be made. Although if I had an outdoor grow to sell....you may be right I'd grow the **** like corn! Each row a different strain......ahhhhh the dreams....
Herb i bet you could make a nice one.Mine is 6" tall 9" deep and 14" across.I believe it's equal to 2 3/4-3 deluxe stealth stashes