There are some serious discussions going on in my household on moving to the Albuquerque area in New Mexico. There are numerous reasons but one of them is that it has a legal medical use program. Now NM has a dry hot as hell climate that is naturally... lets just say barren. If I am somewhere that has a medical program where I can get a license to grow then I want to take advantage of the big ass cheap light that is plentiful in NM. I am thinking something along the lines of greenhouse. It gets hot as fuck during the day and cold at night. So far my plans include putting down a layer of plastic insulator (to insulate from the earth itself) and then laying down a thick layer of rock/gravel for the floor and large stone pillars or just blocks throughout the greenhouse. It is my hope that all that rock will absorb heat through the day and release it slowly through the night. Hopefully equalizing the temperature to an extent. Aside from that, does anyone have suggestions for growing in a climate like NM or even some personal experience growing outdoors in this part of the country? assit:
You could just get an air conditioning unit and cool the air from the inside, insulation will be a tradeoff. I'd keep a close eye on the humidity inside of it, because you'd have water that will evaporate more quickly than you think in a very closed off environment.