new spot=better yield?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by carlosmango, May 7, 2004.

  1. carlosmango

    carlosmango Guest

    Ola from the emerald triangle!!I put together a new spot that recieves 50 to 85 percent of direct sun from8:00 am till 5:30 pm,this is about twice as much sun as my last spot. How much differance in yield,and quality should I notice.(this is a full season grow,april 15 till around nov 5th...thanx 4 all 1st time on line.
  2. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Hello fellow Triangler (I'm in Trinity County, real close to where all 3 counties meet).

    How much your yield will increase is hard to estimate

    The first time I ever grew (and not knowing **** about cultivation) I planted in the shade and ended up with a tall spindly plant.

    The next year I grew in an open area and WOW what a difference!

    Of course there are tons of other factors besides light, but lots of light is key.

    Good luck with your grow.

    p.s. ever in Arcata?
  3. carlosmango

    carlosmango Guest

    Hey,RD,I thank u 4 da reply-Arcata is jus down da road a bit & seems like a loverly place.

    Im also close to the trinity-humboldt border,(in trinity).Mabe were neibors?...anyway enjoy bro..n..good luck with yer gro!!!!

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