New to GK

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Donjefegordo, May 23, 2008.

  1. Donjefegordo

    Donjefegordo Germinated

    hey what's up, i'm new to the GK forums (that is i was finally approved to post) i've been poking around here for a while now. reading the post the regulars are throwing down you're all some very helpful, classy peeps.

    anyway, let's talk cultivation!! YEAH!! i'm just going to come out and say it, i've never grown my own green to the point of smoke...:sad11: ...i've germinated a few bag seeds that i find just for the hell of it, but now i want to step it up to the next level! so what i ask of you fine folks is to share with me some of the easiest steps that i should do right away to help grow. what's the biggest issue right off the bat? do i focus on soil? nutes? lighting? i know that they are all important but what is most important?

    anyway i know i'm a noob to all this so be gentle.... thanks, you guys rock.
  2. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P


  3. BIGSMOKE451

    BIGSMOKE451 Veggy Stage

    WELCOME TO GK!! All three are key to growing some good mj among other things so i would say all of the above definetly dont skimp on a light if you plan on doing it indoors.PEACE:suave:
    snickelfritz likes this.
  4. Kind Cola

    Kind Cola Loves White Rino

    Wellcome Donjefegordo,, I would say do alot of reading,, Soil,Lights,Nutes, and knowledge are all very important!! Stick around youll learn all you need to know,, Good Luck with the new sprouts,, If i can help in some way let me know
  5. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Welcome to GK :wave:

    No worries on being a "noob" ...we all were at one point and some still are.

    Lots of nice folks on here and hope you enjoy your stay. :)
  6. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I agree.....knowledge is THE most important tool you can have. Most times newbies put the horse before the cart and then wonder why they lose their crop. Gotta read as much as you can...then read again. Only then will you have the power to grow till ya smoke. :animbong:

    Welcome :wave:
  7. Donjefegordo

    Donjefegordo Germinated

    hey thanks guys, do you know if i can get mylar at any hardware store? or do i need to do some more diggin for it? oh and hps lights, i know i can order them online but if i can get them at OSH or one of those and don't have to wait that would be best. thanks again!
  8. juniorman8

    juniorman8 Say it with me... Ahhhhhh

    Welcome to GK, Donjefegordo! Yeah, we have good FAQs and some really skilled growers that are happy to help around here, friend. Good to have 'ya around!
  9. SoloFlyer1

    SoloFlyer1 Keep Smyelin

    Heya Don...

    You found a cool site! Welcome to GK and happy growin!

  10. Kind Cola

    Kind Cola Loves White Rino

  11. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    Welcome to GK! Stay as long as you like just turn the lights off when you leave. Electric bill was 300 last month webby is havin a fit. I had to get a stable of whores to turn tricks to pay the bill not good they were mouthy and didn't shower as much as i thought someone who fucks all day should... Keep it clean Later DSP
  12. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I'm not sure they carry mylar there, but I do know that they carry flat white paint. :ebert: As for the HPS...gonna have to order it if ya don;t have a local hydro shop handy. OSH doesn't carry what you need unless you're prepared to rewire it yourself and build your own reflector.
  13. Donjefegordo

    Donjefegordo Germinated

    there are a couple of hydroponic stores in my area now that i think about it. i'll hit them up for some lighting options.

    but speaking on that subject what is the difference (not mechanically) between florescent and CLR and HPS? i keep hearing about how i need an HPS set up but i also keep seeing pics with florescent, so what's the deal with that?
  14. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    The biggest difference between Florescents (CFL's) and HPS is the intensity they put out. That's measured in 'lumens'. The more intensity...the bigger and tighter the buds.
  15. Donjefegordo

    Donjefegordo Germinated

    sweet, so the more lumens the more bud? pretty simple formula. thanks!
  16. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still


    Hey Don! :wave:

    Welcome to the site.

    Grow on!




    :potleaf: :potleaf:

    :potleaf: :potleaf: :potleaf:


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