It is mostly them acting like we give us a fuck and us saying, "aww, how cute." The extra weapons were nothing to move. Our planes fly fast and we gt missile defenses everywhere. We were already doing the drills with SK, so why the hell not? Only people I've seen concerned are crazy fucks, non-americans in america, and fox news.
I think Kim is running his mouth to try and 1. solidify his position. 2. try and get the sanctions reduced and get more aid flowing back into the country. I worry that he might have talked himself into a corner here, though. Damn, if shit does break out accidentally it could get out of hand in a hurry. All that artillery that is trained on Seoul could cause a bunch of damage but the ass kicking they would be letting themselves in for would be the end of the regime. Too many toys in the area right now, what with the exercises going on. I just hope he shuts the hell up and lets things cool off.
LL we have no mis defense system that works...none...we wont even in 1000 years That doesn't matter anyways, artillery is the threat from the North, not anything else. I remember in bootcamp we were told we are either going to Iraq or NK and that was back in the 90's so I'm sure we are well prepared. But they have so many artillery pieces Seoul will be wiped off the map within minutes of any war...that is the only threat the north has....they can't hit us here in America at all Fact is though, millions upon millions will die in days if that war breaks out. The North doesn't want that because they know it will surely be the end of the reign. Nothing will happen, maybe a couple mortars exchanges over the next week or two, then it will die down until they want something else
You're saying we don't have missiles that shoot others out of the sky? I am not talking about a missile shield.....which we don't have a working one of.
that's exactly what I am saying....what is like 1 in 10 that we hit and claim much much more...yea that's feasible for slow mid range missiles that are outdated from the cold war, but it would stop shit if modern technology is thrown at us. We can knock a large range one out of the sky with enough time, but even that's easier said than done. IT doesn't matter anyways, NK is a cold war style army that we are equipped to handle but it would be a very very bloody war and like Ofo was saying the mess behind it would be the collapse of our country under sheer economic stress We're not superman, not matter how much you believe the propaganda. We don't have lasers that blow up the moon either
Totally. Hes just a big kid with no serious understanding of the bullshit hes shouting.Either that or NK is getting grim and hes on a mission to go out with a bang but yeah i think hes backed himself into a corner.Furthermore i think for the 1st time in many years China are alarmed by this .Hes gonna be "replaced",no doubt. He wont live long in office sabre rattling like that. He cant hit America but he CAN hit Americas vested interests and allies. I think we will see a coup de tat in the not too distance future,sponsered by China..... you cant just threaten to use nukes on people.Not when you actually really do posses nukes!
China is probably one of the many reasons our politicians at the top aren't freaking out. They know China doesn't want that at their door, and not just because of the actual war part, but the amount of refugees that would flood over to them that they would have to deal with!
Iv got my sources and anyone who says the said sources are merely voices in my head...well they'll need to prove it:tvlaugh:
The assumptions were APPARENTLY there according to the responses to my first. And we could. Would we? Probably not. That is a no win situation financially and diplomatically for us, would fuck up another country beyond repair, and fuck China because of not only the refugees but the side they would have to choose or not. One major problem/concern is a fuck up like Bush Jr's Iraq where Iran won more than we developed. Or the fact that the taliban is just as strong now as before in AFG. On and ON. Yall do realize the US has only won like three ACTUAL wars in our history as a country including our independence and excluding the civil war.
WE have won plenty of wars...only lost two Korea and Nam
Might want to read that history...we have lost more than we won, if there are ever any winners in war. Just ignoring Iraq and AFG is proof enough....did we actually even win the gulf in the early, but not really a war. We pull out or destroy everything. Our M.O. Make you a list if i am not dead after moving today and i still have to respond to Ras' guitar thread too with some reasonability.