Ok heres the plan. I have a space inside a place to grow my hydro. The problem is that there is no electricy to this space. So my maintence runs would be to top off water, replace nuts blah blah and replace the portable rechargable car batteries. My questions are, has anyone ever heard of anything like this before? and if so have any suggestions, I need to keep electricy down to the bare minimum. The main concern with this is the LIGHTING. What lights should i use. Il only be growing 5 or 6 plants in my system, so i was thinking possibly a few conpact flourecent lights scatterd about the grow space. I really have no reason for using those, besides the fact that they are smaller and they look like they use less electricty. Please help, as you can see i do need it. Any ideas? even for pumps or anything else you can think of? and how long could it go without me replacing the batteries do you suppose? thanks submitguy
First big issue is how you gonna convert the juice? A car puts out 12 Volts Direct Current, any light runs on 120/110 or 240/220 VOlts Alternating Current. Now, there are converters you can get for your car, that tie into the battery and have a few AC outlets. Problem is, just running a laptop computer will drain the car battery in about 5 hours. RUnning a light or lights? ****, probably only last about 10-20 minutes. And, to do six plants nicely, you should probably run a 400w light, depending on the grow space and big you want to go. Hope that helps. Just curious, why dont you just have an electrician come over an install a couple outlets? Probably be cheaper than buying a whole bunch of car batteries. Those things are expensive.
I don't see how you can use batteries to light up your cannabis. Indoor growin' requires a solid source of electricity. Is there anyway you can get an extension cord thru there? Maybe even drillin a small hole or 2 would probably work. I'm sure there is a socket nearby..walls are jus drywall an empty spacer fer tha most part... (Edited by hellostupid at 11:27 pm on July 9, 2003)
Converting the power isnt a problem at all. I need not saymore than radioshack. But, the consumption of power is evidently. That is what i needed to know. The whole problem is I cant get electricity to where im starting to grow, so it had to be by battery. Damn...........thanks.