Ok here's the facts so TRY to put any spin on it you want. My question is...How many years would it have taken weapons inspectors to find Scud missles which Saddam Hussein stated he did not have......but has launched at Kuwait city? Whats next?...........Biological warheads?
Ok GT, I'll try to answer that for you. Scuds are truck mounted mobile SRBM (Short Range Ballistic Missle), and since they are mobile they would likely never be found until fired. The only two ways the UN inspectors could have found them would have been luck, i.e. driving past a broken down scud launcher on the way somewhere, or an informant telling them where they were. And if they did stumble across one, Sadaam would just say someone planted it there, or it was left over from 1991 and someone forgot where it was, or some other silly story.