Just wondering where the good people of growkind stand on what's going on in America. Anyone besides me look at their kids and grandkids and almost start crying because of their (our) uncertain future? We have president that refuses to acknowledge homeland terror attacks, calls it work place violence, he can color the white house in a rainbow of lights but can't call the family's of the killed soldiers last Tuesday, he wouldn't even lower the flag to half staff to honor them on his own. He was able to send 46 letters to convicted felons telling them they are being released from prison, released convicted illegal felons back on our streets to kill more innocent Americans. I got a negative rep last time I spoke out against Obama on here, so I'm almost fully expecting to be excommunicated over this post. Someone has got to say something. I for one am really PISSED, willing and ready for them to bring the fight to us. it's like America says "oh JADE HELM" THAT'S JUST SOME MILITARY EXERCISE. it is but it's one meant to provoke the SW United States (where we love our God, country and guns) so they can implement martial law on us! WAKE UP PEOPLE. I would rather keep MJ illegal than fall for the promise of a politician about legalizing it while pushing a terrorist agenda! If I'm no longer a member of this site tomorrow it was nice knowing y'all and thanks for teaching me your ways of growing the plant we love.
Grown in Tx. me and the wife where just talking about it the other night .The fact that our kids & gran kid are going to be screwed. Obama in 7years has made the United States a joke no country respects or fears us anymore.I can't even watch the news anymore with out getting pissed off & screaming at the TV .-Bud
Well I'm still allowed on here so that's good, It's good to know I'm not the only one that's pissed about it, although I feel alone speaking out about it. If we the people don't stand up they will overrun us with all this corruption. I've lost a couple of old friends that compared my family that fight in the civil war to Nazis. I have no tolerance for ignorance any longer. I know allot of people that bitch about current events on the news, but no-one wants to stand with me to oppose it, I don't even care if they stand behind me. I'll lead I just need to be pointed in the right direction to start.
If yer not pissed you haven't been paying attention.:bong2: Here's one I don't get that's recent... We got enough $$$ to bail out banks (some estimates have reached $29.5 trillion...yes TRILLION!) and make sure Wall Street boys get to keep the Hampton retreats, but, we're cutting SSA disability payments 19%? (about $12 billion by my estimate*) I know SSA disability gets abused, but on a shear magnitude of scale...who should get cut first? No administration, Obama included, over my lifetime has seen fit to really give two shits for the public or our Constitution. They're just towel boys for the big frat party of pigs feeding at the trough. We get to sit outside the fence watching in hope that lightning strikes and, if we work hard enough, we might get to lick up their left overs. That's my little rant for the day. *2015 Supplemental Security Income line item SSA FY Budget reduced by proposed 19% cut.
The one world president has been doing those military training deals in about 23 states, something funny about it if the local gov thinks something stinks. I am not a big conspearicy thinker but even if fed gov is not ready to do crazy shit here in America, they are training for it. If congress cant do their job because the president uses veto powers to do what he wants, and hes done a bunch of "fuck you" I am doing it anyways even if its not in our consitution, we really need to get thinking about the next one in the whitehouse. We are closer to a "like" communist gov than ever befor.
We now live in an plutocracy disguised as a republic. That it is a fluid plutocracy, meaning those at the top can fall and those at the bottom can rise, is the only saving grace. This is not socialism, communism, or any other totalitarian ideal. It is those in power feeding and advancing those in power at the cost of the populace. As each decade passes the hope of a reformer or the ability to reverse the damages caused by selfish powerbrokers is diminished. Many, like myself, believe we are too far gone for meaningful correction to take place. The quasi government/business/federal relationships that grew under FDR, and have continued unabated to this day, will end this experiment of social democracy. It's not a conspiracy. It's a social network of self advancement that very few ever get to enter. That they use government as a tool is only a happenstance of convenience. Here's a piece of work from Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin Page (Northwestern University), published in April 2014, which states that their "analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts." A very good read that puts some of what goes on around us in better perspective. Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens http://scholar.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/mgilens/files/gilens_and_page_2014_-testing_theories_of_american_politics.doc.pdf
Wow that is good work with tables and graphs included, I got to go back and do a hard run thru. It will be another cival war one day but with all the seceret prisions sitting empty waiting to be filled up and all the UN troops already traning on our soil to jail us non conformers, you know they already got who is going to get arrested and who is going to dissapear. Starting with people that have power they dont want around and then all us gun owners, what will become of us? Sound like too much? or I missed too much.... I am starting to believe the money power groups of the world run the top secert shit in our country,, they dont have to answer to anyone what they do or how much they spend or what they buy... if obama is not a puppet, hes a pawn forsure. Is it top jewish money bags or seceret societies from way back? Rabit hole is probably pretty deep forsure.
It's power. Forget race, forget secret societies, it ain't anything like Alex Jones wants folks to believe. It doesn't matter if you started in a ghetto, a Connecticut suburb, came from Ivy league or the Mississippi swamps. Doesn't matter if you earned and scraped your way to power, married it, or were born to it. But once yer in, yer in. It's a social group of unbelievably wealthy people running in the same circles who simply do what benefits each other. Conversations nobody will ever know about at dinner parties and "informational" meetings at the request of other powerful friends. Think of your network of peers and friends.... How do you guys get things done? Find jobs? Move your excess product? It's largely informal, without leadership, but, almost always most beneficial to those directly involved. Same goes for any social group regardless of social standing. Powerful people do things that benefit their social group. When you look at it that way, nothing's a surprise. Shit....look at Bill Cosby. He's a peanut compared to those running our country and international businesses and he carried on as a serial rapist for decades due to his influence and wealth. What do you think some largely anonymous billionaire or political elite is capable of? There are things going on you and I can't even dream of my friend. assit: Obama is a mere butt nugget by comparison. A stubborn painful to pass butt nugget...but a butt nugget nonetheless.
I know this is a little off subject but, why is it that whenever I start up a conversation like this I'm accused of starting shit and being disruptive? Just saying.
I told you I was gk for life. No matter what. These colors don't run. Even if I'm banned I'll still ride. That's my level of love. Truth and knowledge.
Didn't get to watch it, Megan is hot but...... She called it good journalism, I thought she was there as a mediator at the event not a journalist, from what I understand Fox had given millions to the Clinton foundation over the years. So with all of this coming to light I'm not sure where I can get political news from. In the last few years I have found politicians have their influences everywhere. Movies, music everywhere. There is way too much money in politics, they shouldn't be able to be career politicians making millions off their constituents.
I not a big political basher but Here in Fl when Charlie Christ was in office all the rich gays were scratching each others balls. It was a joke. Got a company and need some cash, "get in the closet" I think trump would be great at fixing money and tax issues, while lining his own pockets, I dont feel he will be much good with alot of other stuff, maybe screwing up relationships with some other key countrys and what military experience can he offer? Might be a big down fall there. Then how is he going to run a $10,000,000,000 business while being the president, his business will suffer or the country will suffer, its his way or the highway, he dont care what we want, its what he wants to do. Just another rich guy that thinks money can buy power like everyone else. Which it does, Back to megan kelly, I hate fox news but will watch to see her body. Waiting for the next panty shot! :la::budporn::jerk:
If you're getting your news from the TV or newspapers....well....you ain't getting the news. What you're getting is the story they think will sell best to the audience they want to attract. Trump? Really? Let's trot Jesse Ventura out as his running mate while we're at it. Gotta admit though, if it came down to Trump or Hellary, I'd be voting Trump. No way can I vote for that caustic festering gash of a human being. Speaking of festering gashes.....bet Megyn's is clean as a whistle.
this round there is way more people in the game that is more experenced in gov than trump, I would not vote for chump, how hes got most of the over 60 vote gets me? I dont hear him talk about much except himself and then he attacks people he says attacks him, well if asking him a question that he dosent want to answer is attacking him, then most of his campain is going to be the same. I think megan can make way more money doing porn than working for fox news, I hope she gets fired soon so we can see her poonanny eating skills. :thumbsup: