Really interesting read I didnt think NY was to the point of putting in place infrastructure but from that article it sounds like its undeway
What this does is set up standing for Fed interference because of CSA statutes. The reason Co., WA, and med states don't get shut down is purely because of the structure of their markets. With private distribution the Feds can't sustain a challenge. State managed distribution is another matter entirely which opens the door for direct challenge putting State distribution in direct conflict with Fed CSA oversight. It amounts to saying "As a State we won't enforce Fed Statute, but the Feds are free to." vs "As a State we directly contravene the CSA and will ourselves act in direct conflict with the CSA." A subtle, but notable, difference that means everything when dealing with legal challenges.
Cuomo is going to let specific HOSPITALS use it for specific medical has squat to do with public anything, besides it gets past the Dems and then the Reps crush any chance of moving forward, not guna happen
Cuomo is smart like a fox. He'll do what he needs to to get votes and tax money, and come off looking like a hero in the process. Watch him. It remains to be seen if NY will go "Colorado" or "DC" or somewhere (where?) in between.
"Another hurdle: State and federal laws prohibit growing marijuana, even for medical uses, though the Obama administration has tolerated it. So New York will have to find an alternative supply of cannabis. The likely sources could include the federal government or law enforcement agencies, officials said." So the state would get their weed from the black market? Whatever is confiscated by law enforcement? Cuomo is an asshat . The 2 bills that I read that went through congress seemed pretty reasonable.
Legislation introduced by the senate to legalize rec use. Instead of making it legal and getting the proper agency's to regulate it , tax it, and HAVE QUALITY CONTROLL , Cuomo is suggesting taking confiscated weed? I would have to assume a large commercial grow isn't going to toss product that got mold. It could goto market , get confiscated , and then distributed through hospitals? Elections are coming up and this guy is trying to ride the fence without making a real move. Wednesday he was supposed to unveil his plan in the state of the state. He totally ignored the subject.
Leave it to an East Coast politician to come up with an idea that costs the government $$ when other States are able to do the same thing while increasing tax base.
Donald trump is coming to buffalo ny tomarrow. He will possably run for govener , probabaly the only republican that can win against Cuomo . Although he is known for " teasing". I like what I heard on the radio today....Trump believes this is Trumps world , and we only rent here. :roffl: Looks good for mmj though.