Check out the latest Attorney General memo below. Absolutely no doubt about the meaning of THIS memo. Anyone involved with marijuana is fair game, subject only to the DEA’s whim. Not only those involved in the business, but those facilitating it, like landlords or state employees. Also those engaged in transactions involving the proceeds of the business, like banks or credit card companies. I’d say it’s pretty clear that Obama’s going to do everything in his power to put an end to medical marijuana. The gloves are off and the war is on. To be fair, I don't believe state employees or banks are going to be charged with crimes. I believe this is just intimidation -- keep anyone involved in medical marijuana in a constant state of fear. Essentially, they're using terrorist tactics against the American people. [sarcasm] Now that's change we can believe in! [/sarcasm]
Show of authority and nothing more. They know they are looseing but wont come to terms. Same shit differant day. They are not only holding up the smoking variety but also the farm variety also. Dumb asses they cant see how really stupid they are. The farm variety mj variety alone would be millions in the farm industry. t6
Probably true. But all those folks who were waiting for word from the AG now have their answer. Like the governors of AZ or NJ or other states that have been holding up or trying to modify their mmj programs. Now they have an excuse for going against the will of the voters -- ", the feds said no, so there's nothing more to be done. We have to shut the program down."
All I se from that memo s a reiteration of the stance the feds "have" to take as long as MJ is federally illegal. I do not believe that it will change anything as far as the status quo...
The entire premise is laughable. Drug $$ goes to Cartels and gangs so let's not allow business men to operate, legally and ethically bound to state statute, in competition to drive down the profits of the gangs and cartels. In essence the feds are doing everything they can to ensure the violent criminal entities retain profitability far into the future. fucknuts.
obama is a little BITCH. Lets make sure we all get out and vote so we can make sure he is a 1 termer! Socialism in the U.S........ What a fuckin joke this fucker is making of our country!
Really? On July 4th, a day that symbolizes freedom in America, you ask that? KP, either you're very young or very naive when it comes to economic or political systems.
Perhaps I am. Seems to me you'll find stances on issues from both sides of the line that could be considered 'socialist' right? Are you saying 'socialist' ideas are unamerican? FWIW - I'm all for Ron Paul and his constitutionalism/libertarianism just not understanding why the term socialism has taken then connotation it has lately.
For one it's anathema to the original intent in the founding of our country. We're based on private ownership of property and capital. No matter how disparate the distribution of capital may appear (and is) in the U.S. system of government, to accept any form of socialism erodes the very foundation of our political system and the rights based upon the ability to hold property. It's wholly incompatible with a free market and a free people.
I second your post RR. Paragraph 2 sentence 2 of this memo is what makes it laughable. "Marijuana is a significant form of revenue for cartels..." Grown Here Smoked Here the money never leaves pittsburgh. But you bust a local grower and the money will end up in Juarez. I applaud you LEO way to take money from the american ppl to directly help the cartels. :good job: They actually charge us money in taxes to take money away from Americans. People aren't gonna stop smoking weed EVER. So instead of being rational and making money from it we'll throw a bunch of money at some guys with machine guns to come shut you down so your neighborhood will have to get regular shipments from Mexico. We worry about being dependent of "foreign oil" but not on foreign weed... THat's my new battle cry "Stop our dependence on Foreign Weed!!! Allow Americans to grow locally!!!"... Steelcity
Do you think these guys even read what they write? Maybe they sit in a room and say; "We need to get cartels, marijuana, dangerous, criminal and gang in this thing while trying to appear compassionate". That makes more sense to me than a bunch of Ivy League MBA's/Phd's who can't see the illogic of the position they are putting on paper.
I am gonna agree with KP on this one. People hate on socialism, but what you all think medicare is a form of? Anyway you spin it folks, gov't is bad for civilians. SOCIALISM CAPITALISM COMMUNISM FASCISM ARE ALL FORMS OF GOV'T THAT ARE FUCKING YOU DAILY, ITS JUST HOW INVOLVED THEY ARE IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIVES. BANKS OWN YOUR BOX YOU LIVE IN AND YOU DRIVE YOUR CAR, THE BANK PROLLY OWNS TOO, TOO YOUR SLAVE LABOR JOB IN WHICH BIG GOV'T TAKES A CHUNK, THANK U IRS. FOUR MONTHS OUTTA THE YEAR YOUR WORKIN FOR THE MAN. Its laughable and people are okay with it. You need a resource based economy, not some fake shit piece of paper that fat cats on wall street can make worth nothing in an instant.
oh and if you're thinking your tax dollars go towards infrastructure, you're dead wrong, they go towards the national debt which means some aristocrats pocket. It's disgusting really. watch the second one if you all wanna know how $ really work.
well whenever the second someone disses capitalism, everyone be freaking out. Check it, they all suck!
Ah...the Zeitgeist movie....the most useless piece of crap every made by the most undereducated theorist to ever make a movie. Every instance of that movie reminds me of my 101 classes in college. Fucking worthless.
how so? its laughable I think to dismiss something so fiercely. Not saying its the bible, I take everything with a grain of salt, but the concept is there. is real and no one knows how it works.