In His Second Term, Obama Will Pivot to the Drug War Read More Like the how the Ogden and Cole memos show he wants to change things? I know alot of you guys want Obama...that's cool, vote your conscience. But don't let yourselves or your friends vote for him based on this pile of crap. He did this in 2008 trying to get votes and it worked. He's doing it again hoping we won't notice. After stating he was receptive to rethinking the war on drugs and a respect for State elf determination on MMJ the Obama Administration has gone on the largest crackdown on state legal cannabis in a decade. They are twisting RICO statute to take property, close businesses and arrest citizens who have made no attempt to under report income or avoid proper levels of taxation. Obama is not a pot smokers friend. Like his politics if you want....but don't believe for one minute he believes any of the crap about changing the Drug War.
There aren't any viable options to vote for. I think I might just go back to not voting. Fuck!!! :BangHead:
That article really said nothing about Obama. It basically said some people think Obama will do something about the drug war if he is re-elected, then went on to talk about the drug war. Bottom line, Obama didn't promise anything new, not that it matters if he did. This is just speculation.
Obama is a cruel deception... Mitts a twitt...its either wall street or....wall street They both suck ass..and neither is our friend in kind land
Now read the under message Tony. It's rarely the actual content and more often the manner of presentation. Headline: Readers immediately respond to news of personal interest. Association; Obama is is planning to help us. First paragraph: The author refers to knowledge of explicit ongoing discussions inside Obama's administration related to the Drug War that state a specific intention (if they win of to the faithful) The first sentence of the second paragraph simply is the disclaimer if they do nothing. In those first 80 words the reader is hit with Obama is your friend in the Drug War, really. He want's to do something, anything, but can't if you don't back him. Don't blame us though if the bureaucracy we helped create gets in the way and us smart enlightened folk can't get the job done. Then the next 1300 words go on to give a wonderful education on some background of the drug war and why it's so bad. Nice work really and makes the story *appear* thoughtful. So what's the entire message? Obama doesn't like the drug war and wants to do something about it. He can't unless we elect him. If we don't, all these bad things are going to continue...and get worse. If they don't do anything or fail it's not their fault, it's those other bad guys we don't like who keep getting in the way. Doesn't say that "those other bad guys" are working under Obama. Doesn't say Obama's DEA overruled it's own memo to expand prosecution of State legal businesses. Does nothing to put actions to words. It's pandering via staff to a group he hopes forgot what he said in 2008 and then what he did while in office. It's a good ruse too. Nobody under 22 has voted for him before and they're a nice block of pro-MJ folks to trap. Think many 20 year old's really remember the 2008 cycle?
Damn staright Res. DRUG WAR= THEE SINGLE BIGGEST FUCKING POLICY DISASTER OF ANY GOVT IN THE LAST 50 YEARS WORLDWIDE. Instead of scare tactics and propganda we should have knowledge and clarity. They say the Prez is the moral leader of a nation then lets have him asked in a debate exactly how he feels on MJ being classified as a drug. They cant ignore their core voters for too long and from what i see from NORML it looks like more than half the members in some states are calling for reclassification at worst and decriminalization at best(for now at least~) Although on this one Res it seems like Romneys stand on drugs will be tougher,better the devil you know?Poor fucking Ron Paul,the guys only guy that talks sense and i include UK politicans in that,he just makes me nod in agreement everytime i hear him....WHY AMERICA,WHY WONT YOU GUYS ROLL WITH THIS CAT
Romney's a cult following tool and I couldn't in good conscience tell anybody to vote for him over Obama, or Obama over him. They both pretty much suck. On one hand we get a sleazy Chicago politics activist who understands nothing about the Constitutional Law he apparently wasn't a professor of. On the other we have a pro business big government conservative remake with open ties to a fundamentalist cult. Yay us! The Drug War is going to go on at the fed level no matter who's in office. Romney certainly can't do more than Holder and crew are doing right now. The battle is the State's tipping point. Once one or more states press Supreme Court challenge to their right to schedule narcotics within their borders the game should be won. To date no State has challenged the fed right concerning MMJ. There is supporting case law tho. Gonzales v. Oregon, 546 US 243 - Supreme Court 2006 This case affirms that the Attorney General can't say that something is not a medicine when a State says that it is. The argument is that the inverse is then also true, the AG (and the president) can't say that something is a medicine unless a state says that it is. The argument as I understand it hinges on when a scheduled narcotic becomes illegal. Oregon recognized a legitimate use as a Right to Die State in it's argument of State regulation of medical care. The Fed was attempting to enforce the position that once a narcotic is used in the death of a human being it becomes an unrecognized use and the narcotic itself then becomes illegal and enforceable. Oregon won. That win enforces a State's Right to schedule it's own narcotics and subsequent uses as superior to that of the Federal Government. Once a State legislature or State Pharmacy board gets the gumption to challenge the Feds re; rescheduling it's a done deal unless the Supreme Court takes a rare action of overturning one of it's own recent judgements. "The principle that state governments bear the primary responsibility for evaluating physician assisted suicide follows from our concept of federalism, which requires that state lawmakers, not the federal government, are "the primary regulators of professional [medical] conduct." Conant v. Walters, 309 F.3d 629, 639 (9th Cir.2002); see also Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 737, 117 S.Ct. 2258 (O'Connor, J., concurring). The Supreme Court has made the constitutional principle clear: "Obviously, direct control of medical practice in the states is beyond the power of the federal government." Linder v. United States, 268 U.S. 5, 18, 45 S.Ct. 446, 69 L.Ed. 819 (1925); see also Barsky v. Bd. of Regents, 347 U.S. 442, 449, 74 S.Ct. 650, 98 L.Ed. 829 (1954) ("It is elemental that a state has broad power to establish and enforce standards of conduct within its borders relative to the health of everyone there. It is a vital part of a state's police power."). The Attorney General "may not ... regulate [the doctor-patient] relationship to advance federal policy." Conant, 309 F.3d at 647 (Kozinski, J., concurring). By criminalizing medical practices specifically authorized under Oregon law, the Ashcroft Directive interferes with Oregon's authority to regulate medical care within its borders and therefore "alter the `usual constitutional balance between the States and the Federal Government.'" Gregory v. Ashcroft,501 U.S. 452, 461, 111 S.Ct. 2395, 115 L.Ed.2d 410 (1991) (quoting Atascadero State Hosp. v. Scanlon,473 U.S. 234, 242, 105 S.Ct. 3142, 87 L.Ed.2d 171 (1985))." That mi compadre, is why NORML is so hell bent for State level rescheduling. We want this fight. This is one we can win.
not to throw a one liner on it that's not really pertaining to but I was reading an article I believe on MSNBC talking about how Goldman Sachs is basically giving equal money both Obama and Romney like betting the over and under man why even vote? Ron Paul has my vote but I doubt we've got a shot. Drug Policy should be code for better border control not just the fence but ships etc. It's still getting across in huge quantity if pretty much anyone in almost any town can find you some coke. The problem is you start fighting small wars in other countries then what are you to control their foreign policy? Only to leave a ghost hand in control to either do nothing or compound the problem with corruption. America is known for doing exactly that pretty much everywhere we go we leave a trail of empty promises and terrible foreign policy. Egypt wants us to mind our own business and rightfully so but will we no we will still force them to take money they need and run their little country how they want as long as we approve. Mexico cartels are the government down there. I'm not exaggerating their political party is getting right back into power as we speak. 15 hours ago: (AP) MEXICO CITY - Mexico's old guard sailed back into power after a 12-year hiatus Sunday as the official preliminary vote count handed a victory to Enrique Pena Nieto, whose party was long accused of ruling the country through corruption and patronage. The second place candidate, leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, refused to concede, saying he would wait for a full count. The Federal Electoral Institute's representative count said Pena Nieto of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, won about 38 percent of the vote, prompting wild cheers from a party that was voted out in 2000 after 71 autocratic years in power. Lopez Obrador of the Democratic Revolution Party had 31 percent and Josefina Vazquez Mota of the ruling National Action Party had about 25 percent, according to the institute. Pena Nieto, who sought to cast himself as the leader of a new PRI, called his victory "a fiesta of democracy."Worries about vote buying despite Mexican reforms. Amid elections, Mexico's drug violence rages on "There is no return to the past," said the youthful, 45-year-old who is married to a soap opera star. "You have given our party a second chance and we will deliver results." He promised a government that would be democratic, modern and open to criticism. He pledged to fight organized crime and said there would be no pacts with criminals. "My gratitude tonight is for the millions of Mexican who voted for me," he said. "I will work for all of Mexico ... I will govern for everyone." Despite a clear victory, more than 60 percent of voters did not support him and it was not the mandate the PRI had anticipated based on the pre-election polls. Vazquez Mota, 51, was the first to concede, followed by New Alliance candidate Gabriel Quadri, who had only single-digit support. At the PRI headquarters in Mexico City, a party atmosphere broke out with supporters in red dancing to norteno music. There were plenty of reasons to celebrate. The party also appeared likely to retake at least at least one of the two houses of Congress and some governorships. Critics say the party's 71-year rule was characterized by authoritarian and corrupt practices. But the PRI has sought to portray itself as a group that has been modernized and does not seek a return to its old ways. Enrique Pena Nieto appears to be accomplishing what many thought would never happen again: the return of a strong and dynamic PRI," said Eric Olson of the Washington-based Mexico Institute. "The question: How will they govern?" Drug Policy without this resolved is a mute point. I don't wanna hear any talk of columbia and any other hole in the ground operation. Point your "all knowing eye" at our next door neighbors instead of treating him like a bum you hurry past on the way to work. Military action is the only way you could stop the cartels. I'm talking 200,000 troops just like afghanistan pay for intel, run drones, capture and interrogate. You want change that's how it happens. You want to throw money to the mexicans so they can take care of it themselves? We got the Zetas' with that mentality so thanks for the new breed of assassin gang gone extortionists' and drug runners. They have RPG's just like "terrorists" they are killing people for leverage like "terrorists" and controlling public office by force like "terrorist". What more does it take to have "terrorists" at the border in your honest opinion? The ATF can't keep them from getting guns the DEA is a joke and the border patrol is still too bureaucratic to be efficient. If we could straighten out cartel problem illegal immigration would all but stop. People don't want to leave their homes but they have no choice unemployment and violence are the only 2 things going on down there. Rant over...Steel
We could beat the cartels with a stick and leave the countries in question to their own devices. Or, we could simply take the profit out of the illicit drug trade by ending the War on Drugs. Simple, manageable, peaceful.
I like it:thumbsup: SCS i see what yur saying though,recently iv became very aware of just how much power the mexican cartels hold,these cats are military organised. If Mexico was an arab country you can bet they woulda been invaded way back for being fundamentalist terrorists.Mexico is one scary fuckin quagmire that sooner or later is gonna require action of some sort... good post both of you:bravo:
I don't see The Obamabot changing course on the war on drugs. Res, you got it right. He is just pandering to a voting bloc now . My Bovine excrement meter is fully pegged . We really need a " none of the above " box on our ballots. And I mean a real ballot. It has been proven many times over how easy it is to hack the electronic voting machines. BBT
I understand Res but I get tired of the rhetoric of arresting every tom dick and harry about some fucking weed when there are armed assassin crews running game freely just 5 miles from the Texas border. It's ridiculous it actually brings up for profit prisons which I think was an awesome idea by whoever got that ball rolling...Steelcity
Cher said it right the one with the cleanest white underwear is already in the white house!:roffl::roffl::roffl::roffl: t6