I have to believe that this is a step in the right direction and other states will follow soon. :coolbounce: asssit:
Fuck you mean I can 't smoke in the national park? Why even go if I can't take the one hitter on a hike. Smoking natural things in nature just makes sense...
He said that about Medical MJ states too. The Feds have been shutting down dispesnaries all over California. I don't believe him.
Same feelings AB, though they claimed the ones they were shutting down were covers for big business drug deals blah blah. It is true that they can't come after all us actual recreationals though. One or two that get stupid, but the rest in CO and WA is more about not having to fuck with local police.
The dispensary that I used to go to was shut down and they were a model dispensary according to the county and state. Then, again, they pretty much shut down ALL MMJ dispensaries in my county. For some reason, they left the ones in the city limits alone, but everything outside the city limits was closed. But, I will agree about the recreational user not having to worry about being hassled by the local LEO. That is a plus.
Me either. When Obama speaks it's time to turn around and look for the kick in the ass. Last time he said no prosecution in MMJ States the DEA and Dept of Justice replaced the leniency memo on MMJ with one specifying prosecution.
Its pretty fucked up if a state has a referendum on something then the federal government can just swan along saying "nope we still deem it illegal".Pretty authoritarian to ignore the will of the electorate. Obamas got to be careful how he deals with this.:bong2:
Zactly Mt. The feds don't want to deal with juries in sympathetic States nor do they want unreasonable exposure to criminal appeals so they go civil court and take all yer stuff through forfeiture. (much lower bar to cross than a criminal charge also) and ignore the criminal proceeding. Neat trick.
I have to disagree. I think this is no step in any direction. It's exactly what he's been saying all along about medical mj. If this really is going to be policy, then nothing whatsoever has changed. Sure, individual users won't be targeted, but property owners will lose their property, banks and credit card companies will not be able to deal with mj-related businesses. Sounds like he's suggesting he will continue the cartel-style response we've been seeing for the past 4 years -- send in armed gunman to make threats, trash the place, and take everything they can. Of course this was just what was said in an interview and is not necessarily a reflection of official policy. Nor are any memos the president or Justice Dept might circulate. Without an actual change in the CSA, passage of new legislation, or a Supreme Court decision, nothing really changes.
I'm kind of glad to be in CA for a minute. We can sit back and watch what's going to play out in CO and WA. I think when they see the added tax revenue they might relax a bit, but if the feds get bored all bets are off. Everyone thought Obama was awesome when he first ran. Now look at us. He seems like he wants to turn our country socialist so I don't trust a word he says.
Iv noticed you guys get all sketchy at the mention of the word socialism. IMHO theres a huge difference between liberalism and socialism,just my:2c:
I am not sure 90% of the people here actually know what socialism is, even less so the difference between big L and little L liberalism. Hell, people still think the Pauls are libertarians. Everybody knows the US is a republic and not a democracy right?
Socialism is about 'material equality' for all.Thats never gonna happen in countries that have lived under Capitalism. Liberalism is a whole other thing where they believe in equality for all,but not at the expense of their own material possessions