Well, I signed my petition at a Black Sabbath concert last time, I got everyone I know to do the same, I got 75% of the people I know to get out and vote and the ones that didnt vote and bitched we lost by 2%, man I ripped their ass! So, next year is our year, I hope anyways (i am going in the clone business, will post my inspiration on the smokers lounge about that) Here is some info on Fl med vote next year. Its a pres vote year so more people will be out voting so cross you eyes arms fingers legs balls and toes! ---------- United for Care successfully placed a similar initiative on the November 4, 2014, ballot in Florida. However, the measure was defeated on election day. Although a 57.62 percent majority voted in favor of the amendment, Florida's state constitution requires a 60 percent supermajority vote for an amendment to pass. Thus, the measure failed by 2.38 percent. "This is just the first battle and I plan to win the war," said John Morgan, the central proponent of and largest donor to the narrowly defeated measure. Morgan is eyeing a 2016 rematch against marijuana opponents.[5] Following Amendment 2's defeat, Morgan started plotting a rerun for 2016. He viewed the amendment's failure as insignificant, saying round one was like walking "through a forest that we'd never been through before." He continued, "But on the walk through the forest, we've tied ribbons around trees. We have markings now. When we walk through this forest again, we won't be in the dark. We'll be walking by familiar places."[6] Morgan doesn't want to wait very long before starting the walk through the forest again. He's aiming to collect enough signatures to get an initiative or two on the 2016 ballot by March 2015. His intent, however, isn't necessarily voter approval. Rather, he's hoping to threaten the state's Republican trifecta to pass medical marijuana legalization legislation.[7] Former Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp ® is lobbying for United for Care's legislative bill.[8] If the Florida Legislature and Gov. Scott ® don't fall into Morgan's trap, then he's confident that a 2016 vote would bear a different outcome. After all, 2016 is a presidential election and, according to Morgan, "The more turnout there is in the state of Florida, the better chance this has. And turnout in a presidential election will be gigantic." Morgan is even considering placing two marijuana initiatives on the ballot for 2016, one for medical legalization and another for recreational legalization. He said, "I may even have two amendments. I may have the medical marijuana amendment and a full legalization amendment, see what they do with that. If I'm collecting signatures, I just have people sign one for each. I can collect them both at the same price."[6]
Funny. You are fighting for legalization, I'm fighting against. Before supporting a group, read all amendments and laws, but good luck
In 2014, not enough people voting and the way the wording on the amendment was a problem. This time both of those are different. The main reason for wanting to pass it is for the people who cant get the meds they need, not saying we are all greedy but if people can get access to the meds its a win for the people who need it most. If i can sell $2000 in clones a week legally, its better than getting busted trying to come no where close to that illegally. (Althou I am not doing that now). But if we can get a prop 215 deal, I can atleast make some money.