out in the open

Discussion in 'Politics' started by imported_Webmaster, Mar 22, 2003.

  1. imported_Webmaster

    imported_Webmaster Super Administrators

    ranger im bringing this out in the open because i want everyone to see so there isn't any chance of you taking it around to other people in any other way then it was meant.

    this is part of a message i sent earlier to ranger:
    ranger stuff like you did in this post: http://forum.growkind.com/forum....tart=10

    "skully you're over the edge if you think calling someone a babykiller is worse than killing a baby"

    "Thanks for agreeing with me that most of the 9/11 bombers were Saudi's."

    is over the edge on your part. this spin from you is the whole reason i got into the war debate to begin with. its fine to have your opinions but bring some real facts to the debate to get them acrossed, not just spin. i wont let it fly on my site. call it censorship or whatever you want to call it, but if it continues from you, you will no longer be a part of this site.

    ranger go read that full post and see how far spun those statements you made are from what skully actually said. this is what i was warning you about. taking people's statements and completly twisting them for whatever motive.

    then i get this response from you:
    "Please explain to me why the statement " the 9/11 bombers were saudi's" is inaccurate or spinning.
    And what do you disagree with in my statement that killing a baby is worse than calling someone a babykiller, which is what ranchero inferred I called him?
    I've complained to you about people who were talking about killing other members grandmothers, impaling them on razor wire, calling people child molesters and hackers, and wholly inaccurate or meant to hurt someone personally.

    If you want to silence the opposition, you have that right, it's your place. "

    as soon as i read "if you want to silence the opposition" i knew this discussion had to come out in the open. i think very few people on this site would belive that i want to "silence the opposition" if that is what you believe then feel free to find yourself another site. ive had enough of the nonsense. if you think it is helping you convince people the war is awful, well hey here's a newsflash, everyone already knows that. if you think it is helping you convice people that this war is wrong, i think you are mistaken. just like with the bush pro-war propaganda and the anti-marijuana propaganda distrust is the only result when words are twisted as you do.
  2. 67ranchero

    67ranchero Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Good for you Webby, I can just imagine how this would have gotten spun if you hadn't posted it.
  3. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    It wouldn't have gotten spun anywhere ranchero because I would NEVER reprint what someone sent me in a private message.
  4. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    that's very admirable of you, ranger, not to quote from anyone's PM to you. weren't you one of those screaming on here a few weeks ago about getting pummeled with PM spam crap?

    grow up.
  5. HerbalMan

    HerbalMan Full Flowering

    He's a whiner!peace
  6. imported_Webmaster

    imported_Webmaster Super Administrators

    no ranger of course you wouldn't reprint it, cause then they would see it for what it was. you would spin it to other people and tell them that i was trying to "silence you" or worse maybe even that i threatened to ban you just because i didnt agree with you. what i dont agree with is your spin, that's the whole reason i got dragged into the war discussions.

    i just wanted everyone to see what was being said in this little PM exchange to prevent your spin. the only way to stop spinning like you do is to put everything in the open and let people decide for themselves.

    and the whining part of the message (i called him GK's #1 whiner) had nothing to do with your anti-war stance. it was about how over time you have come and complained to me about people more than anyone else on this site. many other people on here have issues with certain people and get in arguments at times, yet they manage to deal with them on their own. you repeatedly have turned me into a babysitter. you, more than anyone else on this site, have asked me to "silence" other people. ive got an inbox containing messages dating back to when you were nickdanger to prove it.


    LMFAO!!! We Finally heard the real side of "Ranger".:laugh:. I wonder what he would do in a jam??.. Like getting busted.. Ranger, try to be more "humble" around here..Then you'll get the respect your after.You need to chill out with the politics scene.. Your not the President, or one of the brave soldiers thats fighting for the U.S...So,keep YOUR thoughts on the downlow.Your starting to make ALOT of people mad with all this one sided bullshit you speak of.Politics,*SIGH*.. p.s. You might wanna try to fight your own wars, and keep others out of it.A true man/soldier decides on what to do on his own.In other words..Dont drag everyone into your "**** stew".Thank you!:wink: CG [​IMG]
  8. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Nope mary, that wasn't me, you're confused.

    To all you other pro-slaughter whiners, rag on. I'm got both supporters and friends here and your opinions mean nothing whatsoever to me.


    Thats the problem..Your too stubborn to realize when your wrong about something.Dude, we all make mistakes..and you dont?? Well, your one in 5 billion then.Iam sure of that.I'd like to see you in a foxhole Ranger,..:laugh:.. You would be sending out morse code signals with your Rollie cigarette smoke,crying your eyes out to get back home..Kinda like *Clinger* on MASH..j/k. CG [​IMG]
  10. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    Pro slaughter? give me a braek.I'm still waiting to hear about the thousands of innocent victims that you proclaim we are going to kill.ok ranger put some spin on that...let me guess all the news stations have been threatened by our government not to report it?
  11. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***


    thanks for not resorting to childish insults.

    I don't suppose you saw Bagdad on fire, but I did.

    Did you think all those missles only hit gov't buildings?

    In Petro War I the U.S. refused to issue an estimate on civilian casaulties. So I'm not expecting them to this time.

    But according to the world press, it was many thousands (no I don't have a link, it was 12 years ago).

    The war is still on-going. According to a news program I saw last night a general said the war might go on for a year.

    When it's finally over we may find out the death toll from the world press.

    It's when the soldiers go into Bagdad that we'll see the most deaths I surmise.
  12. Waitingfortheson

    Waitingfortheson Full Flowering

    I think you should worry more about Saddam taking civilian life over there danger... he's been doin it for 24 years.

    But we can just ignore that fact so you can make a point.

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