outdoor growing and frost

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by tadmad2020, May 19, 2009.

  1. tadmad2020

    tadmad2020 Germinated

    are plastic bags sufficient at blocking frost from outdoor plants??:icon_scratch:
  2. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    It would work. Ya need a bag big enough to cover it. They get big outside.
  3. schui

    schui Excommunicated

    please dude do not use plastic for frost protection

    That will bring it on worse, trust me, been there done that, use cloth here in belgium we have lace and things, cotton sewn like sweaters, you need some kind of light weght cloth, and also make sure they do not break your plants, but no plastic for sure. I hope some one else is going to back me up on this one.

    It causes a layer of frost under the plastic, and all the sweating from the ground freezes, with cloth it is airated , and does not have the same reaction.
  4. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    well jus wondering cus u said theres sweating so what about like those weaved blue tarps u can get at walmart? hopefuilly green if u can find em.. thanks for the tip on using cloth, but i imagine u wouldnt want it to be knitted or well itd have to be knitted tightly cus if there was any holes the frost would get through them leaving ded spots all over, so just use like a green bed sheet ?
  5. mccrob

    mccrob Herb Budmin

    Depending on where u r u should be good from June to at least Sept...but i have used dome tent poles and made a small dome shaped green house over my plants using vapuor barrier (heavy plastic),this also works good to isolate plants for breeding.

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