I live in the mild climates of the Hudson Valley, Ny, and the summer here is perfect for marijuana cultivation. Average High during the summer is about 80. So to get the full, ripe buds early I decided to start now, although it's about 35 outside, in a few weeks i'll be able to move the seedlings into a greenhouse until the temperatures rise. So basicly what I need to know is, what's the best way to grow stealthily, in a fairly wooded areas. I am limited to the areas where I can grow, and still walk to. Would it be better to dig up the areas where the plants will be sitting, putting in top soil mixed with organic ferts such as Bat Guano. I used to grow indoors, but the constant pressure on your nerves gets to ya, and I feel outdoor growth is slightly less stressful. Any tips?
p.s." target="_blank">http://forum.growkind.com/forum/topic.cgi?forum=4&topic=70 p.s. this should have been posted in the outdoor forum.
Say Buddage, There are many a way to grow stealthly outdoors. I think the easiest, and best way of growing stealth, is to just blend it in with other vegetation. In the middle of a field full of 3' tall bushes and shrubs, hardly anyone will take a second look at any given plant. It's always a good idea to prep your site before transplanting. If you choose to do so, then I have one last bit of advice. Protect your plants from the other plants. Assure that they get nutes and water, rather than surrounding vegetation stealing it from your plant. I use a bucket liner with the bottom cut out, and plant my plant in that. The bottom is cut out to prevent the plant from getting rootbound, and it assures that no other vegetation is stealing the MJ plants nutes. Good day. OP (Edited by Old Phart at 5:18 pm on Mar. 8, 2004)
Hey Ive grown 2 years ago for the first time. I had 15 plants, i found 5 to be male and destryoed them. The rest were enjoyed by poachers =(. This year, Ive moved my location in the deep dense woods about 1/4 mile away. I have been out there for about 2 hrs a day, choping down clearing a section big enough for about 20 plants. The good part about this site is due to fallen tress in area (giving maximum light exposure with excellent coverage) When I start growing I want to be able to induce flowering ASAP and since I cant control the light, I wanted to know if theres anything I can do 2 help start and speed up the flowering process???**how long will it take to start flowering?** At the first sign of sex I want to clone all the females giving me more than I started off with (after the execution of males). I want to be able to harvest the original females + the clones... Do you think theres any way I could clone and harvest atleast 3 times this season? Like after the first clones have developed, clone them and repeate. After the I determine the sex of the originals and clone the females, whats the earlyest I wait before I clone the clones? I also need help on cloning outdoors.... should i just start the cuttings in rockwool in a plastic dome outside, then when i see root growth move them to the growing location and plant them? I really would like some advice on this. The medium I want to use is 1/3 organic compost 1/3 perlite 1/3 rich soil, will this work good outdoors? And if that works how long before I should add more nutes to them? **bloodmeal, worm poop, worms, mix.** Also Ive read about during the vegg. have something high in nitrogen, and during flowering have something high in phospours? any ideas on that? thankxx -horseasauras
The only way to induce flowering early outdoors is to be there every day with the plants, unless of course you had some kind of automated, motorized cover, but I doubt you have that. I saw one in a grow book once, but it was obviously on someone's property, and it wasn't automated. It was like a shed that was on wheels, and you just pushed it over the plants every night. I guess if you had the devotion and you knew your spot was safe, you could go and cover your plants every day at 6 or so in the evening every day.
yah FTM.. that sounds good, but it must be a huge hassle.. i wouldnt do it.. id just let nature take its toll