Outdoor Help

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by krondikebar, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    as some of you may know I am trying an outdoor grow this year.

    I have thirteen or so plants outside right now, 4 different strains.

    but the master kush is already flowering or something. This is my first time ever using the sun as a light, and its much different that indoor I can tell that already.

    Well anyway, the root of my question is, is it normal for outdoor plants to already be growing purple nugs? Its the first week of june...flowering shouldnt happen til later right?

    thanks in advance, ill get some pictures and stuff to show you.

  2. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke




    thanks again
  3. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    Well from what I've been hearing about kush is it is an autoflowering strain. Which means it flowers when it's ready regardless of conditions. I could be wrong and maybe that's not what you have. Anyway, outdoor growing is a little different than indoor because you have to worry about some things in the natural environment that would be harmful (environmental factors like nutrient content, soil types, pH, pests) I'm in the same boat as you sort of. Mostly I cut down on pests by bringing mine in for the evening and getting up before sunrise to put them back outside. Works for me because the ambient temperature inside is 73 degrees and I keep a constant humidity of no higher than 50%. Anyway you know your grow best so I'll trust you to it.
  4. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Not so sure about the kush strains being auto flowering....

    Also not sure why you got purple buds right now lol.:bong2:
  5. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Master Kush is not an autoflower. It's a full on afghani/indian indica. What was the sunrise/sunset schedule when you moved your plants outside? If it was near 12/12 the plants will potentialy bud then revert as days grow longer.

    just my o.o2
  6. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    well maybe one of us is mistaken about that MK. I mean it is obviously flowering so there's a few factors to be taken in. And DAMMIT Res, can't you let me have this one thing. I'm bein cool today.
  7. LadyFlamezzz

    LadyFlamezzz learning everything i can

    my first plants where inside in tennessee,lol

    Now i have started my first outside grow with the sun of California, in less that five days they germed...and at the end of the 8th day already have second set of leaves, so i am amazed and delighted !!!

    Sativa's not sure of any exact starin < bag seed > wish me luck!!!

    Any advice would be helpful, i started them in miracle grow soil , the kind that is supposed to be moisture friendly.

    happy grow season everyone!:passit:
  8. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    Weird, must be due to the light cycle?
  9. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    Seems weird, but the same thing happened to me a few days ago. Ive had several BC Big Buds outside on the deck in pots from seed since April 14. One of them, the biggest, started making flowers and a couple days later I took a closer look and sure enough...little green balls! I pulled him and crushed all the green balls.

    The others have not shown anything yet. Maybe the rest are all girls.

    Anyway...he started to flower and produce pollen sacs just around June 12. Keep a close eye on the plant...it may be a boy.

  10. Shiva

    Shiva All good things

    Well there is something to be said that it's indoor grows that are weird, marajuana plants are something natural and are forced into an unnatural state by growing up under artificial lights. Also, it might have something to do with cloudy days, maybe? Indoor gardens can be forced into flowering cycle by 12/12 lighting afterall, sometimes even before the plants have reached real maturity.
  11. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    thank you everyone who replied. Well, its been a few weeks since i posted on this last.

    And here is the news. Some of them are flowering it looks like still, while others are not. Im not really that concerned, as we have plenty more if this some how messes stuff up.

    The sun rise is at 5:17am and sun set is about 8:45pm so there is still like 15 hours of light. there is many cloudy and rainy days, which are beginning to haunt me. I just want the flippin sun to come out and give them all a chance.

    anyone ever grown Sour Deisel or Super Silver Haze outside before?

    I have 20 more plants, 13 are Super Silver Haze and 7 of them are Sour DxSuper Silver Haze.

    Frost will hit here first couple weeks in OCT. Will these finish in time? im way up north on the east coast.

    I also have the master kush, early misty, New purple power, and NLxBig bud. Bout 30 or 40 of each.

    I'll get pictures when I have them
  12. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    you'll be fine homie its only the begining of July they still have about 1 month to 1 1/2 months for veg left b4 they start flowering man. Cant wait to see the finished product!
  13. Psycho D


    Kron, did you start them inside? I have a few I started inside on 18/6 for about a month then when I put them outside, toward the end of may, they started to flower (though not quite as much as yours) but have reverted back to veg now.

  14. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    i couldn't agree more.. its happening to me as well im on the east coast too..ne ways i was thinking bout how to stop them, and well maybe go check on em at night with a flashlight and shine it all over the plants for like 15 mins. would that not stop it flowering and put it back on course with nature, give ya two more weeks b4 itd revert to budding again if light schedule isnt back on track yet...my plants r doing superb right now i have pics from like 2 weeks ago..on a ps3 so i cant upload them. i cant imagine how big they r now and all Lsted, icant wait to check on them. also if theres enough should i cut off the lil buds every wheres? HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!
  15. stickyicky24

    stickyicky24 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I hope you're in a real secluded area if you wanna be shining a flashlight all over the place in the middle of the night.
  16. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    um why wouldn't it be? also canada has alot of woods..ne ways im talking like 1 am or so.. ud here people if ur spot wasnt secluded. and was just trying to think of a way to stop them from budding, i was told never use superthrive while budding because itll stop them..not sure if thats true?

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