outdoor niggz

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by DizzelzDank, May 13, 2004.

  1. DizzelzDank

    DizzelzDank Guest

    two of my outdoor plants neeeded to be transferd to bigger pots but they are like three weeks old can i do that without harming the plants
  2. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    yes...if they are too big for their pots then they should be pretty easy to transplant. when lots of the roots reach the bottom and sides of the pot they form a nice plug. let the soil dry out some (not completely) and then carefully remove the pot from the dirt.

    DO NOT pull the plant from the pot because you might damage the roots. just be delicate and everything will be smooth like butter :smokin:
  3. jay

    jay Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Before you transplant heres a tip... get your new pot... fill it with soil less than half way and then put in your present pot... now, fill the rest of the pot up with soil with the other still in it... Remove your old pot... Voila!  You should now have a hole that is the same shape as your root mass... You can now transplant with ease...

    Hope thats clear enough...

    (Edited by jay at 7:12 am on May 14, 2004)
  4. Sly

    Sly Begun Flowering

    ive done the same at 3 weeks. mine did great
  5. DizzelzDank

    DizzelzDank Guest

    thank a lot i did it and they are doing great.

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