Hey all, Here's some pics from Week 2 of an outdoor grow - just pinned down today and will be transplanted into 5gal pots in two more weeks. The goal is to keep them under 4ft using as many training techniques as possible without stressing the plant too much. They look a little smushed at the moment, but pretty sure a few days of sun will make them perk right up - right?
The first thing ya want to do is bury that stem. That will do alot of things and keep the height down.
Thanks fellas - yes I'm going to JOG them and hopefully achieve the same results that I've seen from others who have been able to keep the plants under six inches weeks into veg.... The plants are responding well so far to the JOG, but I'll try burying the stem - will that really work? Haven't heard/seen it before... Also - at what point should I transplant them? My thought was around 4 weeks, but the plants have really hit a growth spurt and I'm seeing new sets of leaves almost daily now and I want them to have room to grow...
the stem on marijuana is subterranian which means that if u bury it and dont disturb it the parts under ground will grow roots, which will help with a lot of things, also bigger root mass = bigger plants= big fat juicy buds ive never actually tied one down all the way to the ground and burried it, u could just let the branches grow up and cover the whole mainstem to the plant im gonna try that this year good idea do you live in canada? only wonderign cus u have them out already.. can any1 else see those pics or is it just my stupid computer?
you say bury but when i've done it they have died. i also tried addg more mix to the pot (carefully) but same results. what the heck am i doing?
First thought that pops up in my mind is to watch out or support main stems because tied branches plus outdoor winds may result in split stems.