Peat Moss and ProMix

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Guerilla Family, May 28, 2009.

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  1. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I have been buying and stacking bales of Pro-mix by the trunk load the last couple weeks.. My original plan was to dig my outdoor holes, and leave the native soil.. I found some good soil, but I've found some great spots with terrible soil.. My idea was to remove the native dirt and refill with Pro-Mix BX. This is all I use indoors, so I know the shit is good.

    Today, I hit the local Farm & Garden place, and I noticed a lot of the 3.8CFT. bales were busted open and leaking soil all over. I talked to the manager and asked him what kind of deal I could get of the bags that were busted open. He hooked me up with as many as I could haul for $5/ea. Great deal, compared to the $25 I usually spend. He also had some smaller bales of plain peat moss he sold me for $2/ea. I planned on using the peat moss to cut into my bales of Promix, so that I could stretch them further.

    My Question is, will the peat moss by itself be acidic? I know the bales of Promix are balanced with Lime, but if I add the peat moss to the Promix will it offset the PH?? I also grabbed some pelletized lime..

    Damn, I suppose I could just use my Ph meter, first without the lime, then add the lime and test later.. Anyways, Just looking for some opinions.

    Thanks Folks

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