PETA~P&T Bullshit

Discussion in 'Politics' started by LionLoves420, May 5, 2012.

  1. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Please watch the whole thing.

  2. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    People need to spay and neuter. PETA is bullshit because they kill shitloads themselves. There is no way to control the population now without euthanasia. Is this news? I thought everybody knew PETA was batshit by now. I appreciate them for the undercover work in slaughterhouses and a few other things....but I would never donate to them. The money barely goes to any animals at all. It IS true we treat our livestock animals horrendously. The nazi thing is not far off. Eat meat? Don't be a dick. Kill it yourself. Let it have a good life in the wild and kill it quickly. Seriously, Ted Nugent. Fuck him. He is a poacher (among other things). Hunt it LEGALLY. Fuck bowhunting, it's horrendous (Teddy bowhunts). Use a gun asshole. And yes, fuck Iams. Iams is horrible food. I don't know why that dude was yelling against it...but if it's because it's horrible for animals, he is right. Also P&T need to keep PETA and other groups separate, because they are. P&T don't seem to get that.

    Diff note, why are P&T dressed in gay motorcycle outfits?

    (I watched the whole thing)
  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Making a statement by making the statement that I'm declining to comment.
  4. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    powerful statement :icon_confused:
  5. Smokahontas

    Smokahontas Iron Lungs

    Pretty much exactly this. :good job:
  6. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Thanks for watching it Canna. I think they were dressed like that because it was leather, just for visual effect of the complete opposite of what PETA think's is acceptable.

    Res, you caused this. I've watched about six hours worth of George Carlin in the last day, and I was already familiar with him to begin with. Now I think he needs to be reincarnated for this world to be sane. (Don't take that the wrong way peeps, but we need a sane voice in this world)

    I hope no one thinks I was trying to start shit with this. I've seen all the bullshits, but this one just struck a chord with me.
  7. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Mea Culpa LL. :roffl:You could do worse than Carlin tho....jus sayin.
  8. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    I am not sure I've got the delivery for Carlinesness.....He was intelligent as HELL and quit school I believe in ninth grade. His lexicon is beyond anyone's I've ever heard

    I've learned something recently, and because of the depression medication I was on (Thank's Hank for your views). I took myself off them without medical help. I've been the happiest ever for a month now, and haven't had to take xanax at all. I am happy because I am alive, and because there is no reason not to be.

    The world is a fucked up, horribly stupid, manipulative, and self indulgent place, but who gives a fuck? Should I care that dumb asses believe stupid shit because of 2000 years of brainwashing? Hell no. Fuck it. I am alive and I've got great people around me, including all of you on here, influences that may not make me rich or famous, but make me satisfied and fulfilled.

    I am done with mental illness. I was given this brain and I don't care what that means. I may never finish my degree because of money, but I may be able to make money one day because I have a brain, and talent, and a genetic deposition towards something that may or may not be creativity.

    Call it narcissism, whatever. Maybe I am having an early mid life crisis, or maybe I am only going to die to 60 and this is my mid life crisis. Either way fuck it. I got on TV once in the past year, you WILL see my face soon, and it will be for the revolution of intelligence.
  9. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    No worries I don't think you were trying to start shit. I am actually interested in some of your takes on PETA. Like I said, I appreciate their undercover work at factory farms and fur farms (I will never see a good justification for fur unless you are freezing). But the rest, well, Ingrid is totally crazy. I mean, she must have STARTED out for the animals but she has changed. Major whack-job. I think I would support PETA maybe 20 years ago (or whenever they started) OR if I was uninformed of what they do behind closed doors. But I really dislike PETA (I realize this is shocking news for most of you guys probably!)

    (oh and I got they were wearing leather to piss off PETA, but it was pretty flaming, I was waiting for them to turn around to reveal crotch-less chaps)

    Also, I hate Ted Nugent, maybe they should have used someone 'better'. He poached here in California and Alaska, and got caught both times, and plead each time that he was unaware of the laws. I think if you have your own hunting show that's pretty absurd. Also, he is a pants-shitting draft dodging pedofile cowardly POS hypocrite ;)
  10. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Me and my friends had a really nice barbecue yesterday.
  11. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Cool story bro
  12. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Ted Nugent is an American legend who did a lot for music, and is also a sorry piece of shit. That makes me sad, as it does with all political musicians making stupid decisions. You can still be really good at something and still be a sorry piece of shit. My nemesis Eric Church would be a good example. WHEN I meet him (wish I could disclose why I may be able to) I will punch him in the face and do a Caesar Millan "Shht." Bastard needs to stop because when you start writing songs about chewing tobacco in your back pocket it is time to stop. You grew up in North Carolina mother fucker, rich as hell, not fucking poor white trash in Arkansas; smoke a damn cigarette like the rest of the damn world.

    I agree that people should know first hand where their meat comes from and how it was raised, feed, and slaughtered. I don't think everyone should have to kill their own food because of modern society, but I certainly don't think it is a bad way to live for those I know that do it for real.

    Bow hunting can be as humane as a gun, especially when it comes to the shooter.
  13. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Glad you liked it sis.
  14. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Your welcome and congratulations.

    :good job:

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