pinching leaf tips

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by chof, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. chof

    chof Germinating

    does pinching off leaf tips produce larger buds?
  2. Psycho D


    leaf tips?

    no, that would be detrimental to photosynthesis.
  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod


    No. Where'd you get that one?
  4. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    Don't listen to these haters. I'm sure NOBODY here has ever tried this.

    You might be on to something. Give it a shot and let us know if your buds are larger. :thumbs-up:

  5. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Exactly no clue whats that gonna do... So do it for weeks and see the results, sweet a weed experiment!
  6. chof

    chof Germinating

    i grew cal skunk inside and pinched the leaf tips off from clone to flower, my buds were enormous, never tried it outside, did some research found articles saying, it releases more resin, do to the shock
  7. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    You're right Joe, never tried it. Just doesn't make sense to me to limit leaf size....but if he wants to give it a go I'll watch.
  8. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Now which leaf tips are we talking about here? The huge fan leaves, or the crystally ones near the top?

    Ive heard of pinching the stem, but never leaves.
  9. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    True that.....Pinching, bending stems, but not the leaves. :F-A-Q:
  10. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    It does not sound right to me.

    I can not see how it would make them bigger.

    I have heard of stressing the plants for more thc like he mentioned. Have to cut alot of leaf to stress it.

    Weed is already strong as fuck. What ya need to stress it for and possibly fuck it up.

    Leave leaves alone!
  11. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    The ONLY time I've ever seen anything like this were clones that someone cut the leaves in half to allow the clone more energy to grow roots instead of supporting the unneeded leaf tips.

    I'm not sure if I agree or disagree. I've never tried it. Maybe next round of clones.:ponder:
  12. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    Aw shucks! Everybody knows pinching leaves wont make big buds. To make BIG buds, ya gotta dance naked under a full moon, spin counter-clockwise and chant, "COME ON BIG BUDS!" over and over until you fall down. Jeeez....Everybody knows that..... I dont know where y'all get these crazy ideas....

  13. polkowski

    polkowski Established Healthy Roots

    i think he has it confused with topping the plant.???

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