I am planning on planting 6 girls in 10 gal. buckets this grow season only transplanting in the 10 gals after a good vegi. period of atleast 6 weeks-???... usually use a mix of Fox Farm Potting Soil...Building sand "No Salt"...Worm Castings... 10-6-4 or lite 10-10-10 as fert... Fox Farm Vegi.feeding as directed on the bottle... Fox Farm Big Bud in the flowering stages with nothing the last ten days except water... I have a good green thumb, but looking to take my crops to the next level with a precentage around 15 - 20%... IF YA WANT THE BEST, THEN GO TO THE BEST FOR ADVICE YA CAN COUNT-ON!!! I have some really great seeds but tired of throwing a $10,000 saddle on $100.00 mule!!! Please help me use my limited hillside to it's fullist potential. Thank-you my friend for any and all advice in advance you may alot me my Gurill GK friend!!!!!!! The MudPuppy Blue Ridge Mtns of Virginia
5 gal. buckets. for my gals... Planning on starting enough seeds to retrieve 5-6 vibrant healthy ladies, with a couple left over to cover crop loss due to animals, buggs, thieves whirlybirds etc... My soil base after germ. is Fox Farm Forest/ Ocean blend - ??? Buildind sand as to elim. any salt... 3Lbs Worm Castings per bag of Fox Farm Potting Soil as per mentioned above... Fert. 10-6-4 or a lite blend of 10-10-10 if first is not available...Fox Farm Vegaitative organic growth while growing under standard flourecent high wattage household lights until sex is determined; Transplantation to the large buckets along with a healthy feeding, as called for in the cannabis Bible!!! I also left out bat guano in my pre-mix, always being extra craeful as to not burn my plants!!! One can always add rather than take away...When lighting beginins on a 12-12 sched. and the flowering stage begins, I use Fox Farm Super Bud as per directions on bottle as this is one of the extremely important times in the plants maturation periods. In the past, this has usually been around the middle of june and at this time is when I put my girls in the middle of blackberry thickets sitting on a level four inch high stack of road graveles throughly washed to prevent any escaping roots from the bottom of the drainage any salt that may remain on the road gravel. The blackeberry will detour any pesky varmits from exploring along with sprinkling cut human hait around the perimeteter along the thicket te detract any deer. Except for important feeding programs listed on the packaging, your girls are pretty much left up to nature... If you have done your work, nature shouild do hers?????? The MudPuppy Blue Ridge Mountains :bongin: